Timeline view

Databaser i tidslinjevy
I den här artikeln

For anyone who needs to visualize their projects plotted chronologically - whether it's hours, years, or anything in between - Notion's timeline is a type of database that keeps you on task and on track ⏳

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Timelines show the progress of your project over time so you can make sure things are happening when they should. There are several ways to create a timeline in Notion.

Vill du spåra databasens händelser och resten av dina möten, träffar och planer? Du kan lägga till din Notion-databas i Notion-kalendern så att du kan se alla viktiga datum på ett ställe! Du kan även uppdatera databasens datum direkt från Notion-kalendern. Läs mer om hur du gör det här →

Full-page timeline

  • Create a new page in your workspace.

  • Click on Timeline in the grayscale menu provided.

In-line timeline

  • If you want to create a full-page timeline inside another page:

    • On a new line, type /Timeline view and press enter.

Obs: Utöka infogade databaser till helsidor genom att klicka på  längst upp till höger. Håll muspekaren över databasen för att se menyer med alternativ. Klicka på ••• för att se alternativen EgenskaperFilter och Sortering.

Add timeline view to a database

Add a timeline to an existing database to view its data in that format. More on views here →

  • Click + Add a view or the name of the current view at the top left of your database.

  • Select Timeline from the dropdown menu, and give it a name in the text box.

  • Click Create and your brand new timeline view will pop up.

  • You can still toggle back to other views using that same left dropdown.

Obs: Tidslinjer fungerar bara om du har minst en datumegenskap i databasen som innehåller ett datumintervall. Annars kommer ingenting att visas.

Open a project as a page

Every row in a timeline is its own Notion page where you can add more content.

  • Click on any project plotted on your timeline. The page will open in preview mode.

  • If you're showing table rows in your timeline, hover over any row and click OPEN.

  • From preview mode, click Open as Page at the top left to make it full-page.

  • You'll see all your properties organized at the top.

    • Click on the property name to edit it or its type.

    • Click in the property field to edit its content.

    • Reorder properties by hovering and using the ⋮⋮ to drag and drop them up or down.

  • You can also add a new property to your timeline by clicking ••• then clicking Properties and + New property.

  • Under properties, there's space for comments that will be attributed to you. You can @-mention people or pages here, too.

  • The body of the page can be edited just like any other Notion page. Add whatever content blocks you want, including in-line databases.

Customize page

When you open any project page, you have the ability to change how it looks in a few ways that go beyond typography and text size.

  • Click ••• at the top right of any open project page, then Customize page.

  • You'll see a menu to edit the appearance of Backlinks and Comments, as well as Properties.

    • For backlinks, choose to show them expanded in the body of your page or in a popover.

    • For comments, choose to show them expanded or off in the page body.

    • For properties, rearrange them using the ⋮⋮ icon, and choose whether to always show them, always hide them, or only show them when in use.

Add projects

A timeline is a list of projects displayed based on dates. There are several ways to add a new project to your timeline:

When not showing table

  • Click the blue New button at the top right. This creates a new project in a new row and immediately opens it as a page.

  • Click the + New button at the bottom left of your timeline to add a new project right there.

  • Hover over any empty row in your timeline and you'll see a phantom project show up on hover. Click to drop it in the right place and adjust the project's length to fit your needs.

When showing table

  • Click + New at the bottom left of your table.

  • Click the + that appears on hover next to any row. This creates a new row below it.

  • You can create projects in this table without assigning them dates.

    • When you want to assign dates, either change the date property inside the page, or hover over the timeline. You'll see a phantom project with the name you've created in the table row. You can click to place it wherever you want and adjust accordingly.

Project options

When showing table in your timeline, click the ⋮⋮ icon that appears on hover to the left of each row (or, if you're not showing table, right click on any project plotted on your timeline) to bring up this menu of options:

  • Delete: Deletes the row from your timeline.

  • Duplicate: Creates an exact copy of the row below it.

  • Copy link: Copies an anchor link to that specific row to your clipboard.

  • Rename: Lets you rename the page in your row without opening it.

  • Move to: Lets you move the row to another workspace or page (where it will show up as a sub-page).

  • Edit Property: Brings up a menu with all your timeline's properties. Click the one you want and then click the new value for it.

Tips: Du kan tillämpa dessa åtgärder på flera databassidor samtidigt. Du behöver bara välja alla sidor som du vill ändra. Sedan högerklickar du eller använder snabbkommandot cmd/ctrl + / för att redigera flera egenskaper samtidigt!

Edit your timeline so it does the job you need it to do. There are several ways to change the appearance of your timeline and the projects you plot on it however is most helpful to you.

Timeline menus

At the top right of your full-page timeline, you'll see several options:

  • Properties (More on properties here →)

  • By [Date Property]- Lets you choose which date property you want to plot

  • Filter (More on this →)

  • Sort (More on this →)

  • Search ()

  • And ••• - which, in full-page mode, contains:

    • Copy link to view - Copies a link to this exact view of your database to your clipboard for pasting.

    • Templates - Allows you to add or edit database templates for this particular database.

    • Timeline by - Let's you choose a different date property or range of dates to plot if you have multiple date properties in your timeline

  • In in-line timelines, the ••• menu also contains:

    • Delete - Deletes the entire timeline.

    • Duplicate - Duplicates the entire timeline.

    • Open as page - Expands your in-line timeline to full-page.

    • Merge with CSV - So you can upload a CSV file to display data on this timeline.

    • Export - So you can export this timeline as a PDF, HTML, or Markdown file.

    • Move to - Lets you move this timeline to another page or workspace.

Obs: Om du har en helsidedatabas med en tidslinjevy hittar du dessa ytterligare alternativ i •••-menyn längst upp till höger på Notion-sidan.

Adjust timeframe

You can view your projects on any time scale, from hours all the way up to years.

  • On the right side of your timeline, to the left of < Today >, you'll see a dropdown menu with a unit of time. Click that to see your options:

    • Hours

    • Days

    • Weeks

    • Bi-weeks

    • Months

    • Quarters

    • Years

  • Click to choose and your timeline will automatically adjust to show your current projects rendered on the new time scale.

Adjust project length

  • Hover over the left or right edge of any project. Your cursor will indicate that you can drag and drop each edge to make it as long or short as you want it to be.

    • You'll see date indicators appear to guide you.

Obs: Du kommer att se små pilar på varje rad i tidslinjen som indikerar att ett projekt har genomförts före eller efter din aktuella vy, eller att det omfattades före eller efter. Du kan klicka på dessa pilar för att hoppa direkt till projektet.

Come back to today

At any time, you can jump to the current day on your timeline. Just click < Today > on the right side underneath the top level menu.

Show or hide table

In Notion, you can show a table to the left of your timeline so you can always see a full list of your projects no matter when they are scheduled. They show up as a locked column so they are always visible even as you scroll through time.

You can also display other properties of your projects in this table so they are immediately visible as well. Like project owners, or which team is tagged.

When you first add a timeline, you won't see the table. Here's how to add it:

  • The easiest way is to click the >> icon at the top left. This will expand the table.

  • Click Properties at the top right of your timeline.

  • At the top of the menu that appears, toggle on Show table.

  • You'll see all the properties in your timeline appear in two sections in this menu. This allows you to show/hide some properties in your table and other properties on the projects themselves as plotted in your timeline. More on this below.

To hide table in any timeline:

  • Click the << icon at the top left.

  • Or click Properties at the top right and toggle off Show table.

Limit projects displayed

Depending on how many projects you have in a timeline, and what you're using the timeline for, you may want to only see 10 project pages at a time, or many more. To set your preference:

  • Click Properties at the top right of your timeline.

  • Click the dropdown for Show on first load and choose how many project pages to display from a menu of 10, 25, 50, 100 or all pages.

Edit properties

In timelines, there are a few ways to display properties.

  • Click Properties at the top right of the timeline, then + Add a property.

  • Give your property a name and select the type of property from the Property Type menu.


  • When not showing table, click on any project and edit properties at the top of the page that opens.

  • When showing table, click the name of any property column to change its name, type or order. You can also use this menu to hide, duplicate or delete it.

Show or hide properties

Timelines give you a few ways to display properties at a glance so you can see information about your projects right away.

  • Click Properties at the top right of your timeline.

  • You will see all your properties in this menu displayed next to a toggle. To show properties directly on your project cards in your timeline, toggle them on. To hide them, toggle them off.

  • When showing a table in your timeline, you'll also have the option to display properties as frozen columns to the left. You can toggle these on and off in the Properties menu, too, but only if you have Show table switched on.

  • You can also hide properties displayed in this table portion of your timeline by clicking on your column headers and choosing Hide from the menu.

  • Lastly, when you open a project as a page, you can click the ⋮⋮ icon next to any property listed at the top to see options for hiding it.

    • Choose to always show or hide the property, or hide when it's empty.

    • To edit this for all your properties at once, choose Customize page from this same menu.


Rearrange columns & rows

Switch how projects and properties are ordered in your timeline with drag-and-drop:

  • When not showing table, click and hold any project page plotted on your timeline, then drag it up or down.

    • When showing table, hover over any row, then click and hold the ⋮⋮ icon on the left to drag it up or down

  • You can also re-order columns when showing table. Click and hold their headings to drag them left or right (like below).

    • Resize columns by hovering over their edges, and dragging right or left.

Plot different dates (Timeline by)

If you have multiple date properties in your database, you can plot your projects on your timeline using any of them. And it's easy to switch between them.

For example, you might have one date property for project work and another for the time needed to prep launch. To show the one that you want:

  • Click ••• at the top right of your timeline and click Timeline by.

  • Choose which date property you want your timeline to show.

  • You can choose to have start and end dates as separate properties that dictate how your projects or plotted. You can turn that on in this menu.

  • Or you can have the date range you want to plot exist in the same date property.


When showing a table, you can run calculations that will show you information about the data contained in each column at the bottom of your timeline.

Hover below the last row in your table, then click the word Calculate that appears under any column you want to learn more about:

  • You'll see a dropdown menu containing these calculation options:

    • Count all: Gives you the total number of rows in the column.

    • Count empty: Counts the number of rows that do not have a value in the column.

    • Count not empty: Counts the number of rows where the column is filled. 

    • Count values: Counts the number of property values contained in the column. 

    • Count unique values: Counts the number of unique property values contained in the column, omitting duplicates. 

    • Percent empty: Gives you the percentage of rows that do not have the chosen property filled in. 

    • Percent not empty: Gives you the percentage of cards that do have the property filled in. 

    • Earliest date: If you have time-related properties in your table like Last edited or Created time, you can choose to show when the oldest row was edited or created.

    • Latest date: Shows when the newest row was last edited or created.

    • Date range: Shows you the time gap between the oldest and newest edit or creation time.

  • If you have a Number property in your table, you unlock several other calculation options:

    • Sum: Shows the sum of the numbers in the column.

    • Average: Shows the average of the numbers in the column.

    • Median: Shows the median of the numbers in the column.

    • Min: Shows the lowest number in the column.

    • Max: Shows the highest number in the column.

    • Range: Subtracts the lowest number from the highest.

Change grouping

You can group your projects by different properties on your timeline and the timeline table to visualize them in different ways.

  • Click Group at the top of your timeline and choose the property you want. You can group by nearly any property type: Select, Multi-select, Person, Text, Number, Date, Checkbox, URL, Email, Phone, Formula, Relation, Created time, Created by, Last edited time, and Last edited by.

  • The timeline will now group by values of that property, with a divider to clearly separate each group. Each group includes a toggle to the left, so you can quickly hide and show groups to focus on what you need.

  • Empty groups can also be hidden from view with the "Hide empty groups" toggle.

Filter your timeline

View only the projects that fit certain criteria, depending on what you need.

  • Click Filter at the top right of your timeline. (In the ••• menu if in-line.)

  • Choose which property you want to filter by from the dropdown.

  • Choose the condition you want to use, i.e. ContainsDoes not Contain, etc.

  • Define the value of the property you want to see, i.e. a specific tag or date.

  • You can add multiple filters at once this way too!

  • Remove filters by clicking the ••• icon next to them in the Filter menu and choosing Remove.

Tips: Om du kommer på dig själv med att återskapa och radera samma filter om och om igen kan du överväga att skapa en ny databasvy för det filtret. Det gör att du kan växla fram och tillbaka utan att behöva skapa filtret igen varje gång.

Sort your timeline

When you sort your data by any property in Ascending or Descending order, all the data from that row will travel together automatically.

  • Click Sort at the top right of your timeline.

  • Choose the property you want to sort by and then choose Ascending or Descending. You'll see your timeline rearrange in real-time.

  • You can add multiple sorts to a timeline, with sorting criteria taking precedence based on their order in the list. (You can use the ⋮⋮ to drag and drop them up or down.)

  • Remove sorts by clicking the ••• icon next to them in the Filter menu and choosing Remove.

Search your timeline

You can search for specific content in your timeline.

  • Click Search at the top right and type the word(s) you're looking for in page titles or properties.

  • You'll see your timeline change in real-time to only show the rows that fit that criteria.

You can copy an anchor link to any specific view of your timeline so you can share it elsewhere.

  • Click the ••• icon at the top right of your timeline.

  • Click Copy link and the URL will copy to your clipboard so you can paste it.

Vanliga frågor

Finns det något sätt att lägga till villkorlig formatering? Till exempel ändra färg på projekt som visas på min tidslinje eller ändra bakgrundsfärg på celler i tabellen?

Det går tyvärr inte ännu. Det är dock en mycket efterfrågad funktion, så det är definitivt något vi vill lägga till i framtiden! För tillfället kan du använda val- och flervalsegenskaperna för att lägga till lite färg till din tidslinje.🎨

Varför kan jag inte radera egenskapen Namn när jag visar en tabell i min tidslinje?

Tidslinjer är i princip databaser, och databaser är i princip listor med objekt. Det är det som anges i egenskapen Namn. Alla andra datapunkter som ingår är attribut för dessa objekt, till exempel förfallodatum, ägare, taggar och så vidare. Du kan inte ta bort egenskapen Namn eftersom viktig information lagras där. Du kan dock byta namn på egenskapen för att anpassa den efter det du arbetar med.

Finns det något sätt att hoppa över den modala vyn och alltid öppna som en sida som standard?

Inte just nu, tyvärr!

Har Notion några enkla tabeller (icke-databas)?

Hur kan jag se vilka sidor i databasen som innehåller kommentarer?

Om du lägger till en kommentar i diskussionsavsnittet på en tidslinjeprojektsida, eller någonstans i sidans textdel, visas en ordbubbla i den raden i tabelldelen av tidslinjen tillsammans med det antalet kommentarer som den innehåller. Om du döljer tabellen kan du inte snabbt se om projekten innehåller kommentarer.

Hur omvandlar jag en helsidedatabas till en infogad databas?

Om du vill göra om en helsidedatabas till en infogad databas kan du dra databasen till en annan sida i sidofältet, vilket gör om den till en undersida.

Sedan klickar du på ••• -knappen till höger om rubriken på undersidan och går till Omvandla till infogad i listrutan för att göra om den till en infogad databas.

Om du vill återställa den till en helsidedatabas igen kan du klicka och dra den infogade databasen till sidofältet.

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