Top Editorial Calendar Templates for Growth Marketers

For growth marketers, an editorial calendar is a strategic tool for planning, organizing, and managing content across different platforms. It ensures that marketing efforts are aligned with business goals, allowing for a consistent message and efficient resource allocation. An Editorial Calendar template, particularly implemented in a flexible tool like Notion, can simplify this process by providing a structured yet adaptable framework to visualize and coordinate content publication.

Before diving into creating your own Editorial Calendar template, consider exploring these editorial calendar options. They're crafted to make the process more manageable, whether you're organizing blog posts, social media content, or any other marketing materials.

What Should Editorial Calendar Templates Include?

Choosing the right editorial calendar template can streamline your content strategy and ensure consistent, impactful publications. Here are key components to look for in an ideal template:

  1. Publishing Schedule: This should clearly outline when each piece of content will be published. It helps in maintaining regular content distribution and meeting deadlines.

  2. Content Themes and Topics: A section for themes and topics allows for strategic content planning aligned with marketing goals and audience interests.

  3. Status Tracking: Features for tracking the status of each content piece, from idea generation to publication, are crucial for workflow transparency.

  4. Team Collaboration Tools: Look for templates that include options for team comments, attachments, and task assignments to enhance collaboration.

Selecting a template with these components will not only organize your workflow but also empower your team to produce quality content consistently.

What Should Editorial Calendar Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right editorial calendar template is crucial for streamlining your content strategy effectively. However, some features can complicate rather than simplify your planning. Here are key elements to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Features: Avoid templates with excessive features that are not directly beneficial for content management. Simplicity fosters usability and focus.

  2. Non-Customizable Layouts: Templates that don't allow adjustments to fit your specific needs can limit your editorial team's efficiency. Flexibility is key in adapting to evolving content strategies.

  3. Rigid Time Frames: Steer clear of templates that enforce strict deadlines without allowing for adjustments. Content creation needs flexibility due to its dynamic nature.

Selecting a template that avoids these pitfalls will ensure a smoother, more effective content planning and execution process for your team.


Plane Inhalte für eine Vielzahl von Marketing-Kampagnen und stelle sicher, dass alle Launches im Zeitplan liegen. Schreibe außerdem Entwürfe für Blogposts oder Videosskripten am selben Ort! Lasse dir die Arbeitsergebnisse im Kalender oder auf einer Timeline anzeigen, filtere nach Status, veratwortlicher Person und Priorität.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Content-Kalender


Verwende diese Vorlage, um alle von dir veröffentlichten Inhalte zu planen und zu verfolgen, von Blog-Beiträgen über Podcasts bis hin zu Tweets.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Content-Kalender

3Content Planner

Be it YouTube, Instagram, Blog or your own website, a smooth, easy-to-use and versatile content planner can make your life 10x easier. This planner makes working on multiple projects at once much more seamless.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Content Planner


Verwende diese Vorlage, um alle deine Marketinginhalte mit einer Datenbank zu planen und zu schreiben, mit der du den Status, die Zielgruppe, Autor/-innen, Prüfer/-innen, das Veröffentlichungsdatum und mehr jedes Projekts verfolgen kannst.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Blog-Redaktionskalender


Der Erfolg einer Content-Strategie hängt oft von einer effektiven Planung und Organisation ab. Unsere Redaktionskalender-Vorlage dient als Raum für das Schreiben, die Ausarbeitung einer Strategie und die Koordinierung all deiner Beiträge.
Sie ermöglicht dir, deine Content-Strategie methodisch zu planen, Veröffentlichungstermine festzulegen, Aufgaben an Teammitglieder zu vergeben und den Fortschritt der einzelnen Beiträge an einem einzigen Ort zu überwachen.

Die interaktiven Datenbank-Tabs bieten Flexibilität und ermöglichen es dir, verschiedene Ansichten zu erstellen und zwischen ihnen zu wechseln, um eine maßgeschneiderte Content-Planung zu ermöglichen. Übernimm die Kontrolle über deinen Content-Produktionsprozess und halte dein Team mit dieser umfassenden Notion-Vorlage auf Kurs.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Redaktionskalender

6Notion's editorial calendar

Usually marketing teams have separate tools for planning and writing content. At Notion, we do all of that in one database. Using a calendar view, we can see our monthly publishing schedule and move pieces around to avoid traffic jams. That way, everyone in the company knows there's only one place to look for any editorial project.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Notion's editorial calendar

7Content Planner

The Notion Content Planner is your go-to tool for optimizing content creation. Track progress with the Content Status Board, ensure consistency using the Posting Schedule, and plan ahead with the Upcoming Content Section. The dynamic Content Calendar/Timeline visualizes your schedule, while the Platforms Database and Tags/Categories Database streamline information for effective content management. A holistic solution, this template empowers content creators with efficiency and strategic planning.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Content Planner

8Content Planner for Brand

Revolutionize your social media content planning with our dynamic Notion template. Tailored for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more, this versatile template accommodates diverse formats. Streamline your planning process, from brainstorming ideas to scheduling posts, ensuring consistent and engaging content across all platforms.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Content Planner for Brand

9Blog Editorial

The Blog Editorial Template streamlines your content creation process, whether you're a solo blogger or part of a team. With a customizable editorial calendar and collaborative drafting spaces, it ensures seamless planning, execution, and tracking of your blog posts. You can customize the template to fit your workflow.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Blog Editorial

10Content Planner

This intuitive workflow system helps you manage your content creation process more efficiently, so that you can focus on producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

With our Content Planner's inbox feature, you'll be able to capture and store all of your content ideas in one place, ensuring that you never forget a great concept or angle.

Stay organized and on track with your content creation goals: With our Content Planner's calendar view, you'll be able to visualize your publishing schedule and ensure that you're staying on track with your content goals.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Content Planner

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines your marketing efforts, ensuring consistent content delivery. This strategic approach boosts audience engagement and drives growth efficiently.

Start by selecting a template that aligns with your marketing goals. Customize it to fit your brand's voice and key metrics. Implementing these tools not only saves time but also enhances your team's productivity.

Don't hesitate to integrate these templates into your strategy. The sooner you adopt, the quicker you'll see results in your marketing campaigns' effectiveness and scalability.

What is a Content Cadence?

Content cadence refers to the rhythm and frequency at which content is published on various platforms within an editorial calendar, ensuring consistent engagement with the audience.

What is an Editorial Brief?

An editorial brief is a document that outlines the key elements of a content piece, including its purpose, target audience, key messages, and any specific requirements, serving as a guideline for content creators.

What is a Publication Workflow?

A publication workflow describes the sequence of steps from content ideation and creation to its final publication and promotion, typically managed within an editorial calendar to ensure timely and organized content delivery.
