Top 10 Free User Insights Templates in Notion

10 Vorlagen

Understanding user insights is crucial for creating products and services that truly resonate with your target audience. It helps in making informed decisions, enhancing user experience, and fostering innovation. A User Insights Notion template can streamline the process of gathering, organizing, and analyzing user data, making it more efficient and actionable.

Before you dive into crafting your own User Insights, take a look at these Notion templates to simplify and enhance your approach. They offer structured frameworks and tools designed to capture and utilize user feedback effectively.

1. User Persona

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für User Persona

A user persona template can help guide the creation of effective user personas by providing a structure to organize and present the data collected during user research, ensuring that key information is included and easy to reference for product development and decision-making.

2. Research Plan Template

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Research Plan Template

As a UX Researcher, the first document you want to work on is a research plan. In here you detail everything you need to start the research project. The problem, scope, goals, hypotheses, research questions, methods, timeline, and who is involved.

3. Software-Produktentwicklung in-a-Box

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Software-Produktentwicklung in-a-Box

Diese Vorlage bietet alles, was deine Produktentwicklung braucht. Ein Roadmap-Board für Produktmanager/-innen, um dein Backlog zu organisieren, Produktspezifikationen zu schreiben und die Arbeit zu priorisieren. Kanban- und Sprint-Boards werden für die Tickets des Ingenieurteams und des Designteams sowie für technische Spezifikationen und Designspezifikationen bereitgestellt. Die Tickets sind mit der Roadmap, Github und Figma verknüpft.

4. User Interview Plan

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für User Interview Plan

The User Interview Notion Template is a powerful tool that enables you to seamlessly plan, schedule, manage, and summarise user interviews, create user personas, and collaborate with your team in real-time.

5. Customer Feedback Tracker (with charts)

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Customer Feedback Tracker (with charts)

This template provides a starting point for tracking key product metrics and making charts to visualize them. It demonstrates how to measure and graph NPS score, which measures customer satisfaction 1-10. It also measures how disappointed customers would be if your product disappeared tomorrow, a metric popularized the the email client Superhuman. Finally, it shows an example of how to chart churn by month.

6. Feedback-Tracker

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Feedback-Tracker

Der Feedback-Tracker ist eine umfangreiche Vorlage, die Kundenprofile, Feedbackanfragen und Produktanforderungsdokumente (PRDs) durch eine Reihe miteinander verbundener Datenbanken verbindet und es dadurch leicht macht, Kundenfeedback zu verwalten und zu analysieren. Durch die Förderung einer engeren Feedbackschleife zwischen Kund/-innen, Produktmanager/-innen und Lösungsentwickler/-innen versetzt diese Vorlage dein Team in die Lage, die Kundenbedürfnisse besser zu verstehen, Prioritäten für die Funktionsentwicklung zu setzen und kontinuierliche Produktverbesserungen auf der Grundlage realer Erkenntnisse vorzunehmen.

7. User Persona Template

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für User Persona Template

This Notion template is designed to help businesses identify their user personas by guiding them through the process of defining their target audience's characteristics, such as demographics, goals, pain points, and behaviors. It provides a structured framework that enables businesses to create accurate and detailed user personas, which can inform their product development, marketing, and customer service strategies.

8. Notion's feedback tracker

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Notion's feedback tracker

Collecting feedback is a necessary step in any growing startup looking to better their product. This feedback tracker helps you consolidate all your product feedback from different platforms into a single, accessible database. Use the Notion Web Clipper to quickly collect online suggestions and embed the details into a subpage.

You can prioritize certain features over others by breaking down feedback into quantifiable feedback tags. Use this template to give your customers a voice and drive clarity around what the team wants to run after.

9. Tracker für Nutzerforschung

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Tracker für Nutzerforschung

Verfolge alle Interviews aus deiner Nutzerforschung über mehrere Projekte hinweg. Bette Interview-Aufnahmen und -Mitschriften sowie Anrufnotizen am selben Ort.

10. Contact form

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Contact form

With Paperfrom you can build a powerful contact form on your website with added creativity and flexibility of Notions web pages. Everything is customisable to your brand so you can create an eye-catching UX that will wow your customers.


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