Top 10 Free Personal Productivity Templates in Notion

10 Vorlagen

Organize your personal life and improve your productivity with Notion's customized templates. Track your goals, habits, and daily routines. Keep a journal, set reminders, and monitor progress to achieve your best self yet!

1. Goal-Project-Tasks Template

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Goal-Project-Tasks Template

August Bradley, the mind behind the  created this Goal-Project-Tasks template to align daily actions with life aspirations. Enhance your focus by connecting your overarching goals to projects and each project with granular tasks. Notion’s  works great to connect the data between two tables and allows you to focus on the task at hand. Use this template to clearly see how your higher level goals rollup to your daily tasks.

2. Life Planner • Time Blocking, Journal, Goals

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Life Planner • Time Blocking, Journal, Goals

An all-in-one planner that assists you in planning your day using a time-blocking template and establishing your priorities on a weekly and monthly basis. The Goals section enables you to list your short-term and long-term goals, and includes a vision board page. Additionally, the Journal section allows you to write your daily journals (with prompts!) and travel journals.

3. Ultimate tasks

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Ultimate tasks

Ultimate Tasks adds robust task and project management to Notion. It includes a master task database, along with all of the "smart views" that a user coming from traditional task management apps would expect - Today, Tomorrow, Next 7 Days, etc.

The Projects database allows people to create and manage projects, then add tasks within those projects along with any other needed details.

Finally, there are advanced features including sub-tasks, task priorities, recurring tasks, tagging, and a "cold tasks" feature that hides very old, inactive tasks.

For more information, check out the and for this template.

4. Aesthetic Matcha Student Planner

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Aesthetic Matcha Student Planner

If you're a student who wants to use Notion to keep track of your student lifestyle, use this simplistic Student Planner to help manage your student workload and to help you have a matcha-better day!

This Notion Student Planner comes in two versions:
🌱 Green Anime theme
🍵 Matcha Study Vibe theme

This Notion Student Planner includes:
✍️ 6 unique course pages
📅 Habit Tracker
💰 Budget
💯 Assignments & Exams
📓 Notebook
🗓️ Schedule
🖊️ Study Sessions
☕️ Café Tracker
🤯 Brain dump
📚 Book Tracker

5. My calendar

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für My calendar

Balancing work deadlines, personal appointments, family commitments, and a bit of leisure time can often feel like a high-stakes juggling act. With tasks and dates piling up, it's easy to let things slip through the cracks. Use this template to organize your schedule, keep track of all important dates, and maintain a harmonious work-life balance.

6. Life and school management for students

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Life and school management for students

Life and school management for students

7. Habit Tracker OS

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Habit Tracker OS

Introducing the ultimate tool for boosting productivity and achieving your goals - Habit Tracker built-in Notion!

With this habit tracker, you can easily create and track your daily habits, ensuring that you stay on track and reach your goals. Whether you want to exercise more, read more books, or simply drink more water, this habit tracker will help you form new habits and break old ones.

So if you're ready to take control of your habits and start achieving your goals, try the Habit Tracker today!

8. Persönliche Homepage

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Persönliche Homepage

Genau wie ein Wiki dir helfen kann, alle wichtigen Informationen in deinem Unternehmen zentral und leicht zugänglich zu sammeln, kann ein persönliches Wiki dir eine hilfreiche Wissensbasis für dein Leben sein! Beginne mit deiner eigenen persönlichen Homepage, auf der du deine Schlüsselprojekte verlinken kannst (wie bei einer anstehenden Reise) oder auf der du Listen einfügen kannst, die du regelmäßig erweiterst (Filme, die du sehen möchtest, Rezepte zum Ausprobieren). Vielleicht willst du einige Fitness-Ziele, ein CRM oder eine tägliche To-do-Liste hinzufügen. Das ist ganz dir überlassen!

9. Second Brain by Rosidssoy

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Second Brain by Rosidssoy

Second Brain Notion template by using PARA Method

10. Tracker für Gewohnheiten

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Tracker für Gewohnheiten

Tracke deine Gewohnheiten, um am Ball zu bleiben. Mit dem neuen Button in Notion kannst du mit einem Klick abhaken, welche geplanten Aktionen du für den Tag schon erledigt hast. Ob du nun mehr Wasser trinken, mehr Sport treiben oder meditieren willst – diese Vorlage hilft dir dabei, positive Gewohnheiten zu kultivieren.


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