Top 10 Free Homemade recipes Templates in Notion

Having homemade recipes at your fingertips is a game-changer for anyone who loves to cook or wants to start preparing meals at home. It not only allows you to preserve family favorites and personal creations but also helps in planning meals, saving money, and eating healthier. A Homemade recipes Notion template can streamline the process of organizing and accessing your recipes, making meal preparation more efficient and enjoyable.

Before you dive into creating your own collection of homemade recipes, take a look at these Notion templates designed to make the process easier. Whether you're meal planning, organizing your grocery shopping, or simply cataloging your favorite dishes, these templates are a great starting point.

1Weekly Meal Planner

If you have trouble deciding what to eat each day and it often ends up being a quick meal or delivery then this template is for you.

With the Weekly Meal Planner, all you have to do is take 5 to 10 minutes each week to plan what your are going to cook for each meal of the week to come, prepare your grocery list and buy only what you need.

Thanks to its drag and drop functionality, meal planning is very easy and quick. Simply drag a recipe to the desired day/meal and repeat for the rest of the week.

When it’s time to cook, just open the recipe planned and start cooking.

You’ll eat better and save time and money!

And there’s even more… For example, you can plan your meals up to 4 weeks in advance. Click on the “Purchase template” button to learn more.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Weekly Meal Planner

2Recipe Dashboard

Recipe Dashboard Notion Template, an all-in-one digital kitchen companion designed to revolutionize the way you approach cooking. This dynamic template seamlessly integrates essential features to streamline your culinary adventures, from discovering new recipes to planning your meals and tracking nutritional information. + 200 Recipe Ideas

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Recipe Dashboard

3Simple shopping list

A simple grocery shopping list with customizable categories and filters to allow you to add items quickly and see what you need at-a-glance.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Simple shopping list

4Meal Planning

Use this Notion dashboard to make meal planning enjoyable and well organized. Save your favourite recipes, create your meal plans using those recipes, and create your grocery list based on what you’ve decided to make each week. Template includes 3 databases, a video walk-through, and tips for meal planning and food storage.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Meal Planning

5My Recipe Book

Create your own database of recipes you love! Add and browse through your recipe cards with photos, ingredients, types of food, and cuisine. Use the buttons at the top to filter ingredients in or out based on availability, mood, and dietary preferences. If you're not sure what to cook or want to try something new, let AI create a recipe for you based on the ingredients you have on hand.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für My Recipe Book

6Mini Chef

Seamlessly collect and organize recipes from any source, ensuring your favorites are always at your fingertips. Effortlessly plan your weekly meals and generate customized shopping lists, streamlining your trip to the store. Explore an extensive ingredients database, making recipe integration a breeze.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Mini Chef

7Espresso Log

Log in the shots of espresso that you pull, improve puck prep, make notations. Repository added for having a coffee data base; store your favorite coffees and their profile, make also notes on their grinding sizes so the next time you change you do not forget the perfect grinding size.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Espresso Log

8Cooking Book

Here you can organize your recepies. You can sort them by meals, rating and difficulty. You can add links to the recipes, and the main ingredient. This makes it easy to have all your recipes in one place in an organized way.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Cooking Book

9Recipes, shopping list and meal plan

By integrating the ingredient database with the meal planning and recipe features, this template eliminates the pain of not knowing what to buy at the store, forgetting to buy a key ingredient, or having to manually write a shopping list. This makes grocery shopping and meal preparation a hassle-free experience!

This helps users save time, reduce food waste, and make healthier eating choices by providing a centralized platform to manage their pantry inventory.

Users can also easily plan our their week or month's food choices and stay on top of diet and budget.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Recipes, shopping list and meal plan
