Free Self-Reflection Templates

Self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness. It allows individuals to pause, look inward, and evaluate their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This process can lead to meaningful changes and a deeper understanding of one's life and choices. A Self-Reflection Notion template can streamline this introspective practice by providing structured prompts and areas to explore, making it easier to consistently engage in self-reflection.

Before you dive into creating your own Self-Reflection system, take a look at these Self-Reflection Notion templates to simplify the process and enhance your reflective journey.

What Should Self-Reflection Templates Include?

Choosing the right self-reflection template in Notion can significantly enhance your introspective journey. Here are key components to look for in a good template:

  1. Guided Prompts: A quality template should include thoughtful questions that encourage deep thinking and personal growth.

  2. Goals Section: It's beneficial to have a dedicated area where you can set and review your personal objectives and achievements.

  3. Regular Check-ins: Ensure the template facilitates periodic reviews, allowing you to track progress and reflect on changes over time.

  4. Emotional Health Tracker: A section to record your mood and emotional well-being can help you identify patterns and triggers in your life.

Choosing a template with these elements will provide a structured yet flexible framework for meaningful self-reflection and personal development.

What Should Self-Reflection Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right self-reflection template in Notion can significantly impact your introspective journey. It's important to know what features may hinder rather than help your self-reflection process.

  1. Overly Complex Structures: Templates that feature complicated frameworks can detract from the main goal of self-reflection. Simplicity in design helps maintain focus on personal growth.

  2. Fixed, Non-Customizable Fields: Avoid templates that don't allow you to tailor categories and questions to your specific needs. Flexibility is key to ensuring the template remains relevant over time.

  3. Excessive Visual Elements: While visually appealing elements can make a template engaging, too much decoration or clutter can be distracting. Opt for a cleaner, more streamlined design to keep your thoughts organized.

Remember, the best self-reflection template is one that resonates with your personal style and encourages you to delve deeper into your thoughts and feelings without any barriers.

1Reflection journals

Reflect on your days, weeks, and months.

Look back and reflect on how you've been progressing by providing prompts for each day, week, and month. You can rate different parts of life or simply do a brain dump of your day. Use this template to keep track of your wins, challenges, and mood throughout your journey.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Reflection journals

2Ikigai Reflection

Ikigai is a Japanese concept meaning “A reason for being”, the sweet spot where passion, mission, vocation, and profession align. It's a framework for finding purpose and fulfillment in life! This template includes prompts to help you reflect on your Ikigai and narrow down your target roles and industries for your job search.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Ikigai Reflection

3Jährliche Leistungsselbstbeurteilung

Selbstbeurteilungen sind schwierig. Aber mit ein paar nützlichen Hinweisen, die dir den Einstieg erleichtern, kann es viel einfacher sein, zu reflektieren, zu erkennen und einen Plan für die Zukunft zu machen.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Jährliche Leistungsselbstbeurteilung

4Self-reflection Journal

You will get a monthly journal for self-reflection. You can add a new month and track your feelings in the notion.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Self-reflection Journal

5Reflect & plan for your best year yet

Whether you’ve made it here for end of year reflections, 2023 planning, or even a mid-year reset — you’re right on time. These worksheets from YouTuber Rowena Tsai will help you recenter, refocus, and reprioritize what’s most essential.

Follow along in order with Rowena’s to get the most out of these templates and plan for your year ahead.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Reflect & plan for your best year yet

6Weekly Reflection

Why is a weekly reflection important?

- Closes the open loops that are stressing me out
- Organizes my digital workspaces to clarify my thinking
- Allows me to reflect on important moments in the past week
- Sets clear intentions and priorities for the upcoming week

This reflection template includes a collection of prompts that I use myself weekly to get you started with your own habit. In includes questions in these areas:

👍 Good: What went well

👎 Bad: What didn't go so well

🧠 Learnings: What could I learn from them

⛰️ Blockers: What is impeding progress

1️⃣ Priority: What are the most important things I should be focusing on

💪 Habits: Am I staying consistent with my routines, rituals and habits

🙏 Gratitude: Grounding work

🤝 Upcoming: Plan for what is coming up

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Weekly Reflection


Why Choose Our Template:

- Efficiency: The Five Minute Journal Template streamlines your morning routine, ensuring you start the day with a positive mindset.
- Gratitude Focus: By noting down things you're grateful for, you shift your focus to the positives in your life, fostering a sense of contentment.
- Intent Setting: Setting daily intentions keeps you aligned with your goals and motivates you to take actionable steps toward your aspirations.
- Positive Reinforcement: Affirmations fuel self-confidence and encourage a healthy self-image, contributing to improved well-being.
- Daily Celebration: Recording highlights of the day keeps you mindful of the moments that matter, promoting happiness and mindfulness.
- Personal Growth: Self-reflection opens doors to personal growth by identifying areas for enhancement and learning.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für FIVE MINUTE JOURNAL

8PM Self Reflection Template

Being a PM can be a really hard, ambiguous job. For PMs old and new, it's often hard to know how to get better, what areas to improve on, etc. Whether for yourself or a report, use this scorecard to make it easier to improve as a PM.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für PM Self Reflection Template

92024 MirrorQuest: Explore, Reflect, Thrive!

The Mirror Quest template provides a structured yet flexible framework to explore, envision, and manifest your desired future, empowering you to take deliberate steps towards a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

It integrates various elements for holistic self-improvement and manifestation. Affirmations play a pivotal role in reinforcing positive beliefs, while recommended tasks tailored to each life area's goals facilitate practical steps towards your aspirations. A vision board acts as a visual representation of your dreams and ambitions, serving as a constant reminder and source of motivation.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für 2024 MirrorQuest: Explore, Reflect, Thrive!

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these tools can significantly streamline your self-reflection process. They are designed to help you organize thoughts and track progress effortlessly.

By adopting these templates, you'll gain deeper insights into your personal growth journey. Start today to experience the benefits of structured reflection.

Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your self-awareness. Implement these resources into your routine and observe the positive changes in your mindset and actions.

What is Introspective Awareness?

Introspective Awareness refers to the ability to observe and analyze one's own internal thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

What is Self-Dialogue?

Self-Dialogue involves the practice of conducting a mental or verbal conversation with oneself to explore personal values, beliefs, and behaviors.

What is Cognitive Reappraisal?

Cognitive Reappraisal is a psychological technique used to change the emotional response to a situation by altering the meaning attributed to it.
