Top 10 Free Pitch Presentations Templates in Notion

Pitch presentations are crucial for communicating your ideas, business plans, or projects effectively to potential investors, partners, or clients. They help you make a strong impression and can be the deciding factor in securing funding or support. A Pitch Presentations template in Notion can streamline the creation process, ensuring you cover all the essential elements in a structured and engaging manner.

Before you start crafting your own pitch presentations, take a look at these Pitch Presentations Notion templates to simplify the process and enhance your presentation's impact.

1Campaign Brief

This Notion template is designed to help teams plan, execute, and analyze marketing campaigns. It includes sections for setting goals, identifying target audiences, outlining messaging and finalizing timelines.

Use this template to provide a structured framework for collaborating on campaign planning and ensuring that all team members are aligned on the strategy and objectives.

A template preview for Campaign Brief

2Marketing Project Brief

Streamline your marketing campaigns with our comprehensive "Marketing Project Brief" template, crafted to provide a one-stop solution for planning, execution, and tracking. Organize stakeholders, set clear goals and objectives, define your target audience, and establish a winning communication framework. This robust template also includes a channel strategy, detailed timeline, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure you stay on target throughout your campaign. Customize the template to suit your specific needs and enjoy an organized, efficient, and highly effective marketing campaign that delivers results.

A template preview for Marketing Project Brief

3Product Spec

A product spec should contain all the info your team needs to build something new. Use this template as a source of truth to give context, set goals, see edge cases, and plan development steps.

A template preview for Product Spec

4Pitch Deck

Define your company purpose, problem, solution, timing, market potential, competition, team, financials, and vision with this pitch deck template.

A template preview for Pitch Deck

5Web development resources

Explore a large database of web development resources that are categorized by utility. Suitable for all programmers, this searchable list of resources has you covered from front-end to back-end

A template preview for Web development resources

6제품 요구 사항 정의서

제품 요구 사항 정의서는 사용자와 제품간 상호작용을 이해할 수 있게 돕는 문서입니다.

이 템플릿으로 팀원들에게 제품의 개요를 제공하고 목표와 KPI를 설정하세요. 개발 시 고려해야 하는 제약 사항과 사용자에 대한 가정, 제품이 다른 곳에 의존하는 사항을 설명할 수 있습니다.

이 프로젝트에 관한 모든 작업은 작업 데이터베이스를 활용해 관리하세요. 상태별, 프로젝트 매니저별로 필터를 설정하거나 전체 목록을 볼 수 있습니다.

A template preview for 제품 요구 사항 정의서

7Tech Spec

A structured document that weaves together background, requirements, test plans, technical docs, wireframes and data into a sharp spec.

A template preview for Tech Spec

8API Reference

A page to store your API documentation. Endpoints, code snippets, response and request structures and error codes. All covered.

A template preview for API Reference

9Engineering Tech Spec

Use this template to organize a project kickoff and deliver the necessary context so team members are all up to speed and well-informed.

A template preview for Engineering Tech Spec

10Investor update

"The best founders write good and frequent updates because it reflects their own processes and attention to metrics and consistent growth," says Aaron Harris, Group Partner at Y Combinator.

Instead of sending a disorganized email to investors, use this Notion template to give them a more comprehensive and digestible look at your progress.

A template preview for Investor update

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