Top 10 Free Interview Prep Templates

Interview preparation is a critical step in securing your dream job. It helps you articulate your skills, experiences, and value to potential employers with confidence. An Interview Prep Notion template can streamline this process by organizing your preparation materials, tracking your application progress, and providing a structured approach to practicing interview questions.

Before you dive into creating your own Interview Prep, consider exploring these Interview Prep Notion templates to make the process more efficient and effective.

What Should Interview Prep Templates Include?

Choosing the right Interview Prep Template in Notion can streamline your preparation process and boost your confidence. Here are key components to look for in a high-quality template:

  1. Comprehensive Question Bank: A good template should include a variety of questions covering behavioral, technical, and situational interview scenarios to ensure thorough preparation.

  2. Mock Interview Setup: Features that allow you to simulate real interview conditions can help you practice your responses and manage your time effectively during the actual interview.

  3. Feedback Mechanism: Look for templates that provide a way to record feedback on your answers, which is essential for identifying areas of improvement and tracking your progress.

  4. Resource Links: Additional resources such as articles, videos, and tips on body language and attire can be invaluable, so a template that includes these can be particularly beneficial.

By focusing on these components, you can select a Notion template that not only prepares you for common questions but also enhances your overall interview skills.

What Should Interview Prep Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right interview prep template in Notion can significantly streamline your preparation process. However, it's equally important to know what features might hinder rather than help. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Structures: Templates that feature too many nested pages or complex linking can be confusing and time-consuming to navigate. Simplicity is key to keeping your focus on preparation.

  2. Generic Content: Avoid templates that do not allow customization. Templates filled with generic content might not align well with your specific industry or the particularities of the job you're applying for.

  3. Non-Interactive Elements: Templates that lack interactive elements such as checklists or progress trackers can make it difficult to monitor your preparation progress and stay motivated.

Remember, the best template is one that saves you time and adapts to your personal needs, helping you to focus on delivering your best performance during the interview.

1Job Application Tracker & Interview Preparation

This is your ultimate tool for keeping track of all your job applications and preparing for interviews. This free template can be fully customised to suit your needs. Download now to make your job search more organised and efficient!

- Job Application Tracker: Keep a record of all your job applications in one place. Never lose track of where and when you applied
- Interview Preparation: Prep for your interviews with confidence. Use the preparation page to brainstorm examples of your experiences and to make notes. Incorporate the STAR technique effortlessly
- CV Tips: Make your CV stand out with these useful tips
- Feedback: Keep track of the feedback you receive and use it to improve your future applications
- Impact: Analyse your job search process. What's working and what's not? This tool will help you find out
- Notion Guide: New to Notion? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Check out this guide to get started.

A template preview for Job Application Tracker & Interview Preparation

2Interview kit

With so many talented people in our industry currently looking for their next opportunity, this template is a tool to help anyone keep track of each position of interest. Add new roles, take notes, track progression steps, and more.

A template preview for Interview kit

3Interview Guide

Use this template to prepare your job candidates for their interviews and offer them helpful resources like videos, links, schedules and more.

A template preview for Interview Guide

4The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide

The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide is an in-depth resource designed to empower job seekers with effective strategies and insights for successful interviews. This guide covers everything from crafting impactful resumes and cover letters to mastering the art of the interview, including how to respond to tough questions and make a lasting impression. It also provides tips on understanding company culture and aligning your skills with potential employers' needs, ensuring you stand out as the ideal candidate. With practical advice, real-world examples, and expert guidance, this guide is an essential tool for navigating the competitive job market with confidence.

A template preview for The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide

5Amazon Interview Prep - AWS

The template is organized to help interviewers prepare for an interview with AWS, but is a helpful template and structure for non-Amazon interviews. The template is built to help candidates organize their experience into a clear narrative.

A template preview for Amazon Interview Prep - AWS

6Notion’s guide for interviewing at Notion

As an interviewer, your goal is to try to understand your candidate and set them up for success. That’s why at Notion, we built out a guide for interviewing with us, along with preparation tips that’ll help ease the nerves. Create a page for each department and a customizable template for each role. Use this template to prepare your candidate for their interview and provide resources like videos, links, schedules. and more.

A template preview for Notion’s guide for interviewing at Notion

7Job Interview Rubric

This detailed interview rubric is designed to provide a thorough and balanced evaluation of job candidates, covering seven essential criteria: professionalism, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, industry knowledge, cultural fit, and technical skills. Each category is rated on a scale from 0 to 4, allowing for nuanced scoring that reflects a candidate's strengths and areas for improvement. This comprehensive approach ensures that each candidate is assessed fairly and consistently, providing valuable insights to guide the hiring decision. The rubric is adaptable to various roles and industries, making it a versatile tool for any hiring process.

A template preview for Job Interview Rubric

8Interview questions for UX candidates

UX JOB CANDIDATES: Always remember that you are interviewing the company as much as the company is interviewing you! Nothing tanks an interview faster than not having any questions prepared to ask the interviewer — you may only have time to ask ONE question in a 30-minute interview, so make it count. It ain't some fancy GPT (yet), but I've still found this useful when planning my strategy for interviewing the interviewers. CAVEAT — while these are curated through the lens of a "veteran UX person" and some questions may not apply to you specifically, the hope is that this will provide you with a framework you can modify to meet your role-specific needs.

A template preview for Interview questions for UX candidates

9Recruiting Checklist

First Round’s Recruiting Checklist Template provides an end-to-end guide to efficiently manage your recruiting efforts. From creating job descriptions to onboarding new hires, this template ensures a systematic approach, facilitating alignment across the team and optimizing the selection of ideal candidates.

A template preview for Recruiting Checklist

10Blinkist's hiring wiki

Blinkist’s hiring wiki template unlocks growth with quality. Ensure a consistent process for every interview by consolidating all interview guidelines, referral tips, best practices and more. Use their template to avoid scattered information and create a synchronized and efficient system for everyone involved in the hiring process.

A template preview for Blinkist's hiring wiki

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines your preparation process, ensuring you cover all necessary topics efficiently. They are designed to boost your confidence and readiness for any interview scenario.

Start by customizing a template to fit your specific needs and practice regularly. This proactive approach will significantly enhance your performance, making you a standout candidate.

What is a Behavioral Question?

Behavioral questions are designed to assess a candidate's past experiences and actions in specific situations to predict future behavior and suitability for a role.

What is a STAR Method?

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific Situation, Task, Action, and Result of the situation you are describing.

What is a Technical Screen?

A technical screen is an interview phase where candidates are evaluated on their technical skills and knowledge pertinent to the role, often involving coding tests, problem-solving exercises, or technical questions.

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