Top Editorial Calendar Templates for Digital Marketers

An Editorial Calendar assists digital marketers in planning and streamlining their content creation and publishing schedule, ensuring that they consistently deliver timely and relevant content to their audience. A Notion template specifically designed for editorial calendars can greatly simplify this process, offering an organized structure that enables easy tracking of content development stages, deadlines, and publication dates.

Before you dive into creating your own Editorial Calendar template, consider exploring the following options to make the process more straightforward.

What Should Editorial Calendar Templates Include?

Choosing the right editorial calendar template can streamline your content strategy and ensure consistent, effective publishing. Here are key components to look for in a Notion template:

  1. Content Pipeline - This component should provide a clear visualization of the stages of content creation, from idea generation to publication.

  2. Integration Capabilities - A good template will easily integrate with other tools like social media platforms and analytics tools to centralize operations.

  3. Flexible Timeframes - Look for templates that allow customization of timeframes, supporting daily, weekly, or monthly planning according to your needs.

  4. Collaboration Features - Ensure the template supports multiple users and roles, facilitating seamless collaboration among team members.

Selecting a template with these components will help you maintain a pulse on project statuses and foster a dynamic, collaborative environment for your marketing team.

What Should Editorial Calendar Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right editorial calendar template is crucial for streamlining your content strategy effectively. However, certain features can complicate rather than simplify your planning. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Features: Avoid templates with intricate features that you won't use. These can make the template cumbersome and difficult to navigate.

  2. Non-Customizable Fields: Templates that don't allow you to modify fields can be restrictive. Look for flexibility to adapt the template to your specific needs.

  3. Limited Integration Capabilities: Avoid templates that do not integrate well with other tools you use. Seamless integration is essential for maintaining an efficient workflow.

Remember, the best template is one that fits seamlessly into your existing processes and enhances your team's productivity without adding unnecessary complexity.

1Calendário de conteúdo

Planeje o conteúdo para várias campanhas de marketing e certifique-se de que cada entregável seja lançado no prazo. Além disso, escreva rascunhos de postagens de blog ou roteiros de vídeo no mesmo lugar! Visualize os entregáveis em um calendário ou cronograma e filtre por status, responsável e prioridade.

Uma prévia do modelo para Calendário de conteúdo

2Calendário de conteúdo

Use este modelo para agendar e acompanhar todo o conteúdo que você está publicando, como postagens de blog, podcasts e tweets.

Uma prévia do modelo para Calendário de conteúdo

3Content Planner

Be it YouTube, Instagram, Blog or your own website, a smooth, easy-to-use and versatile content planner can make your life 10x easier. This planner makes working on multiple projects at once much more seamless.

Uma prévia do modelo para Content Planner

4Calendário editorial do blog

Use este modelo para planejar e escrever todo o seu conteúdo de marketing com uma base de dados que permita acompanhar o status, público, autor, revisor, data de publicação e muito mais de cada projeto.

Uma prévia do modelo para Calendário editorial do blog

5Calendário editorial

O sucesso de uma estratégia de conteúdo muitas vezes depende de um planejamento e organização eficazes. Nosso modelo de Calendário editorial serve como um espaço dedicado para escrever, planejar e coordenar todas as suas peças de conteúdo. Ele capacita você para mapear metodicamente sua estratégia de conteúdo, agendar datas de publicação, atribuir tarefas aos membros da equipe e monitorar o progresso de cada peça de conteúdo em um único local unificado.

As abas interativas da base de dados oferecem flexibilidade, permitindo que você crie e alterne entre diferentes visualizações para uma experiência de planejamento de conteúdo sob medida. Assuma o controle do processo de produção de conteúdo e mantenha sua equipe alinhada com este abrangente modelo do Notion.

Uma prévia do modelo para Calendário editorial

6Notion's editorial calendar

Usually marketing teams have separate tools for planning and writing content. At Notion, we do all of that in one database. Using a calendar view, we can see our monthly publishing schedule and move pieces around to avoid traffic jams. That way, everyone in the company knows there's only one place to look for any editorial project.

Uma prévia do modelo para Notion's editorial calendar

7Content Engine: Youtube, Instagram, Newsletter - Manage all in one place

As freelancer or agency, you can use it easily organise ideas and plan them for all social media platforms, all in one place.

Uma prévia do modelo para Content Engine: Youtube, Instagram, Newsletter - Manage all in one place

8Content Planner

The Notion Content Planner is your go-to tool for optimizing content creation. Track progress with the Content Status Board, ensure consistency using the Posting Schedule, and plan ahead with the Upcoming Content Section. The dynamic Content Calendar/Timeline visualizes your schedule, while the Platforms Database and Tags/Categories Database streamline information for effective content management. A holistic solution, this template empowers content creators with efficiency and strategic planning.

Uma prévia do modelo para Content Planner

9Social media planner

Know which posts to publish during the day, find out about upcoming posts, and keep track of the activity volume of your posts on the calendar.

Uma prévia do modelo para Social media planner

10Blog Editorial

The Blog Editorial Template streamlines your content creation process, whether you're a solo blogger or part of a team. With a customizable editorial calendar and collaborative drafting spaces, it ensures seamless planning, execution, and tracking of your blog posts. You can customize the template to fit your workflow.

Uma prévia do modelo para Blog Editorial

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines your content planning process, ensuring consistent and timely postings. This can significantly boost your online presence and audience engagement.

By adopting these tools, you'll minimize the risk of missing important publishing dates, which is crucial for maintaining a reliable brand image. Start implementing today to see the difference.

What is a Content Cadence?

Content cadence refers to the rhythm and schedule of publishing content across various platforms within an editorial calendar, ensuring consistent engagement with the audience.

What is an Editorial Theme?

An editorial theme is a central topic or idea around which content is developed and scheduled in an editorial calendar, helping maintain a cohesive narrative over a period.

What is a Publication Workflow?

Publication workflow describes the sequence of steps and approvals required to prepare, review, and release content as planned in an editorial calendar.

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