Top 10 Paid Request Ticket Templates

Having Request Tickets in your life is essential for managing and tracking various requests, whether they're for IT support, service inquiries, or project tasks. A Request Tickets template in Notion can streamline the process by providing a structured format for submission, ensuring all necessary information is captured, and allowing for easy monitoring and updating of request statuses.

Before you dive into creating your own Request Tickets system, take a look at these Notion templates to simplify the process and ensure you're covering all bases efficiently.

What Should Request Tickets Templates Include?

Choosing the right Request Tickets Template in Notion can streamline your workflow and enhance your team's efficiency. Here are some key components to look for when selecting a template:

  1. Clear Categorization: The template should offer distinct categories for different types of requests, making it easy to sort and prioritize tasks.

  2. Status Tracking: It's essential to have a status indicator that shows the progress of each request, from submission to completion.

  3. Responsibility Assignment: A good template will allow you to assign tasks to specific team members, ensuring accountability and clarity in task management.

  4. Integration Capabilities: Check if the template can integrate with other tools used by your team, such as email or project management software, for seamless operations.

Selecting a template with these features will not only save time but also enhance the overall productivity of your team by keeping everyone on the same page.

What Should Request Tickets Templates Avoid?

When selecting a Request Tickets template for Notion, it's important to be aware of certain features that might complicate or hinder your workflow rather than streamline it. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Fields: Templates with too many detailed fields can make ticket submission tedious and discourage users from completing the form. Opt for simplicity to enhance user engagement.

  2. Fixed Categorization: Avoid templates that do not allow customization of categories. Flexibility in categorization is essential as it adapts to the evolving needs of your organization or project.

  3. Limited Access Controls: Templates should allow you to easily set who can view or edit the tickets. Restrictive access controls can hinder collaboration and slow down resolution times.

Choosing the right template involves looking for one that simplifies the process, promotes user interaction, and adapplies to your specific needs without adding unnecessary barriers.

1Discovery report

📦 What's included?

A simple, generic and duplicable page with pre-filled topics and identical questions for each topic. There are also an introduction to the report and resources to help understand the mindset behind the tools.

🤔 For whom ?

Freshly new employees, managers, companies, HR team…

🧐 What is a discovery report ?

A discovery report is a strategic HR management tool that newcomers complete during their first month in a new context (company, team…).

Long story short, it’s a tool that will help the collaborators and the company because a fresh pair of eyes will take the time to analyze and give feedback on a lot of subjects.

The template here is quit generic so you should try to adapt it to your context, let’s say you’re working in a IT team: you should then try and list topics that make the day-to-day of any engineer.

It was made to allow your collaborators or yourself to write down your thoughts during this oh-so important period that is your onboarding. ”Onboarding” is too broad a word, you can actually use this template whenever your become a newcomer. Here are a few examples, a member of your team or yourself can be:

newly hired in a company,

changing team within the same company,

choosing a new career in your current company and now have a new context, new team mates, a new hierarchy…

You get it, this template is made to help in the process of writing first impressions on many topics.

🤑 What is the value of a report ?

To a newcomer 👶

It’s a chance to have their opinion heard, an opportunity to have a critical look at existing processes/habits and to level their expectations.

To a manager 💼

The hiring process generally does not give you a clear understanding of the person that stands in front of you. Listening to the report of someone can help you better grasp their priorities, their strengths and even areas of improvements.

Apart from that, it will help you create a bond with this person, his or her voice has been heard, which is always positive.

Once the report has been presented to you, you can also encourage its author to present it to your team, it probably can be tweaked a bit in case of there being a bit of finger pointing, but generally speaking, allowing your new managees to express his or her opinion to your team could drive your entire team to have an epiphany and even overcome bottlenecks

To a company 🏢

It’s a beautiful continuous improvement tool. Collaborators tend to get used to their working environment and will have a hard time taking a step back sometime. Since they have been doing it for a long time, they can no longer objectively assess processes and sometimes situations even.

Hiring a new employee is a great opportunity to collect new and fresh impressions. This allow the company to highlight its strength and to reveal what is in need of an improvement.

🙋‍♀️ What are the topics ?

Topics are very generic:

the company,

the onboarding,

the department,

the team,

your job,

and your manager.

But feel free to add anything that make sense. At the end of the page a button is here to create new topics.

🙋‍♂️ What are the questions ?

Those are the same for each topic and keep in mind that you can add or remove topics depending on your context:

😀 What fits your expectations perfectly

🤩 What surprised you in a good way or exceeded your expectations

😔 What you were disappointed about or didn’t reach your expectations

😵‍💫 What you were confused about

🤓 Your suggestions

Uma prévia do modelo para Discovery report

2Web development Bug reports & Feature requests

- Quick Actions: Report a bug or Request a feature in one click.
- Consistent Reporting: Use predefined templates to report bugs or request features. Ensures devs get the complete info they need.
- Status Tracking: Track the issue's lifecycle with stages like "🙋‍♂️ Reported", "🚦 On hold", "➡️ Next up", "🏗️ In progress", "❓ Confirm fix", to "✅ Done".
- Slack Alerts: Automatically notify your dev team when a new issue is submitted.
- Priority Labels: Easily mark issues as critical or minor with a straightforward priority system.
- Team Interaction: Utilize the comment section for direct communication between devs and reporters.
- File Uploads: Attach relevant files or media for context.
- Reminders: Set and receive due date reminders.
- Calendar View: See your deadlines and task progress in a calendar format for better time management.

Get started in 3 minutes
1. Duplicate the template
2. Invite your team
3. Get to work 🚀

Flexible Pricing
Pick a price that suits your budget. Your support helps me create more useful templates.

A personal note from Sander Janssen, the creator of this template:
"As a freelance web developer, managing multiple projects, bugs, and features is a challenge. I used to get vague bug reports in my Mail, Slack or WhatsApp all the time. I found myself constantly asking for more details. Now, when a client reports a bug or asks for a feature, they fill out the Notion template. I get all the info I need in one go, saving time and reducing endless email exchanges. I'm sharing this template with you in hopes it'll make your life easier too."

If you have any questions or requests, please reach out to me on X (formerly Twitter):

Uma prévia do modelo para Web development Bug reports & Feature requests


Supercharge your customer success strategy with the Notion CSM OS – All-in-one system for Customer Success Managers. Streamline workflows, gain a comprehensive view of your book of business, and lighten your workload. Unlock time for proactive customer engagement, enhance efficiency, and set yourself apart in your field. Elevate your customer success game with the Notion CSM OS – your key to optimized performance. | Notion Template For CSM | Notion Customer Success Managers

Uma prévia do modelo para CSM OS

4Ticket Management System - Bugs Reporting

The ultimate solution for streamlined ticket management! Your go-to tool for effortlessly tracking and resolving tickets, whether you're a small business looking to enhance customer support or a dynamic team managing various projects.

Designed to cater to users with diverse levels of familiarity with Notion, this template provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the ticket submission process and empowers you to focus on what matters most – delivering exceptional service.
Intuitive Ticket Submission: With automated buttons to easily create new tickets and built-in template for all additional ticket information.

- Centralized Dashboard: Get an overview of your ticket landscape with a centralized dashboard. Easily sort, filter, and track tickets based on status, priority, department, and more, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.
- Built-in Automations: Making use of the latest Notion features, this template contains automations to easily track progress and reduce manual work.
- Seamless Collaboration: Assign tickets to specific team members, engage in internal discussions, and track progress – all within the template.
- Insights and Notifications: Gain insights into ticket status, average resolution times, and general information with built-in notifications center.

Uma prévia do modelo para Ticket Management System - Bugs Reporting

5Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

A Notion ATS can be used to manage job applications, candidate’s contact details and client updates. The main features of your Notion ATS will be:

- Instructions on how to use the ATS
- Ability to add new contacts and store client contact information
- Track leads from enquiry through to sale
- Track ongoing conversations with clients
- Remind your staff to follow up clients
- Manage tasks and have tasks connected to client records
- Segment clients for marketing
- Keep a client dashboard
- Mobile app access so you can view your ATS when you’re out of the office
- Create a simple applicant tracking system (ATS) using Notion

Uma prévia do modelo para Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

6Job Recruiter

Transform your hiring process with the Notion Job Recruiter template — a comprehensive dashboard and shareable job board. Seamlessly manage your job postings, track applications, and schedule interviews in a centralized workspace. Its user-friendly design and customization options create an efficient, collaborative environment for your team. Say goodbye to scattered information and embrace streamlined, cost-effective recruiting.

Uma prévia do modelo para Job Recruiter

7Customer Support Management

This template will help you empower your customer support team to be equipped with the latest information and knowledge from across the rest of the business. The business and the customer support team can quickly gain access to understanding:

- A summary of what the customer team's purpose is within the business.
- How the customer support team helps the business and the impact it has.
- Who the team are, their job title and a summary of what that team member does day-to-day.
- Technical documentation and easy to access education and reminders on team specific processes
- Useful links to team specific tools.
- Contact information for each customer or supplier. Easily accessible for the team to quickly grab the right contact information needed for the task.
- A team rota which can be changed day to day or week to week, to empower your team to know what they should be working on and when.
- A project management dashboard to quickly understand who is working on what and why.
- A customer feedback tracker

Uma prévia do modelo para Customer Support Management

8Hiring OS

Say goodbye to hefty recurring fees and hello to a lightweight, feature-packed solution built on the power of Notion. 🎯

Are you a startup founder or hiring manager looking to streamline your recruitment process and bring the best talent on board? Look no further! Our Notion Hiring Template is here to revolutionize how you hire while saving you time and effort.

This template has been battle tested, developed over 2 years of hiring with Notion, across over 1000 applications in our startup.

Uma prévia do modelo para Hiring OS

9Gap Analysis Toolkit

The Gap Analysis Toolkit is not just one template – it's seven unique templates developed for different aspects of your business.

1. Universal GAP Analysis
2. Product Development Gap Analysis
3. Market Gap Analysis (also known as Product Gap Analysis)
4. Strategic Gap Analysis
5. Financial GAP Analysis
6. Skill Gap Analysis
7. Website GAP Analysis
+ Examples & Video Tutorial

Use this template package to quickly perform a gap analysis and save time.

Uma prévia do modelo para Gap Analysis Toolkit

10Task and Bugs Management Template

It will help plan the workload of the people working on the project.

There are different additions to speed up the QA processes.

More than one process can be added and easily managed on the same screen.

Uma prévia do modelo para Task and Bugs Management Template

Closing Thoughts

Implementing these templates can streamline your workflow, ensuring that all requests are handled efficiently and consistently. This can significantly reduce response times and improve customer satisfaction.

By adopting these templates, you also standardize the request process across your team or organization. This uniformity ensures that nothing is overlooked and that every request is processed in the same thorough manner.

Take action today by integrating these templates into your daily operations. The initial setup is minimal compared to the long-term benefits of enhanced productivity and organization.

What is a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

An SLA is a formal document that defines the level of service expected from a service provider, outlining response times and resolution details for request tickets.

What is an Escalation Path?

This term refers to the predefined procedures and hierarchies in place to handle request tickets that require higher levels of attention or expertise.

What is a Ticket Lifecycle?

The ticket lifecycle encompasses all stages of a request ticket from creation, through processing and resolution, to closure, often tracked in ticket management systems.

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