Top 10 Paid Glitch Log Templates

Maintaining a Glitch Log is crucial for identifying, tracking, and resolving issues in any project or system. It ensures that glitches are not only fixed but also documented for future reference, which can help in preventing similar problems. A Glitch Log template in Notion can streamline this process by providing a structured and organized way to record and manage glitches, making it easier to collaborate and keep track of progress.

Before you start creating your own Glitch Log, check out these Glitch Log templates below to help make it easier.

What Should Glitch Log Templates Include?

Choosing the right Glitch Log Template in Notion can streamline the process of tracking and resolving software bugs. Here are key components to look for in a high-quality template:

  1. Clear Categorization: The template should have predefined categories for type, severity, and status of glitches to facilitate easy sorting and prioritization.

  2. Integration Capabilities: It should seamlessly integrate with other tools or platforms you are using, such as GitHub or Jira, to maintain continuity in your workflow.

  3. Customizable Fields: Look for templates that allow you to customize data fields so you can adapt it to fit the specific needs and nuances of your projects.

  4. Automated Reporting Features: A good template will have features for generating reports automatically, which helps in monitoring trends and making informed decisions quickly.

By focusing on these components, you can select a Glitch Log Template that not only fits your immediate needs but also scales with your projects.

What Should Glitch Log Templates Avoid?

When selecting a Glitch Log Template for Notion, it's essential to be aware of certain features that might complicate or hinder your tracking efforts. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Layouts: Templates with too many sections or intricate designs can make data entry confusing and time-consuming. Opt for simplicity and clarity.

  2. Non-Customizable Fields: Avoid templates that don't allow you to modify fields. Every project has unique needs, and being able to tailor your glitch log is vital for effective tracking.

  3. Lack of Integration Features: Ensure the template can integrate with other tools or platforms you're using. A template that stands alone might not be as useful in a dynamic tech environment.

Choosing the right template involves looking for one that enhances your workflow and adapts to your project's requirements, ensuring a smoother glitch tracking process.

1Web development Bug reports & Feature requests

- Quick Actions: Report a bug or Request a feature in one click.
- Consistent Reporting: Use predefined templates to report bugs or request features. Ensures devs get the complete info they need.
- Status Tracking: Track the issue's lifecycle with stages like "🙋‍♂️ Reported", "🚦 On hold", "➡️ Next up", "🏗️ In progress", "❓ Confirm fix", to "✅ Done".
- Slack Alerts: Automatically notify your dev team when a new issue is submitted.
- Priority Labels: Easily mark issues as critical or minor with a straightforward priority system.
- Team Interaction: Utilize the comment section for direct communication between devs and reporters.
- File Uploads: Attach relevant files or media for context.
- Reminders: Set and receive due date reminders.
- Calendar View: See your deadlines and task progress in a calendar format for better time management.

Get started in 3 minutes
1. Duplicate the template
2. Invite your team
3. Get to work 🚀

Flexible Pricing
Pick a price that suits your budget. Your support helps me create more useful templates.

A personal note from Sander Janssen, the creator of this template:
"As a freelance web developer, managing multiple projects, bugs, and features is a challenge. I used to get vague bug reports in my Mail, Slack or WhatsApp all the time. I found myself constantly asking for more details. Now, when a client reports a bug or asks for a feature, they fill out the Notion template. I get all the info I need in one go, saving time and reducing endless email exchanges. I'm sharing this template with you in hopes it'll make your life easier too."

If you have any questions or requests, please reach out to me on X (formerly Twitter):

Uma prévia do modelo para Web development Bug reports & Feature requests

2SaaS Dashboard

Take your SaaS game to the next level with our Notion Template! It's the go-to solution for effortless collaboration, task organization, and supercharged productivity. From the Saas Dashboard to streamlined Finances, this user-friendly template ensures you stay organized and focused on success. Simplify your workflow and transform your business – start using our Notion Template for SaaS today!

Uma prévia do modelo para SaaS Dashboard

3Incidents Post Mortem

When things go awry in the tech world, it's crucial to learn from the mishaps and prevent them from happening again. Our Postmortem Template for Tech Incidents is a comprehensive guide designed to help you and your team thoroughly analyze, document, and learn from these critical incidents.

Created with clarity and precision in mind, this Notion template is carefully structured to guide you through the process of documenting an incident. It includes sections for Summary, Impact, Root Cause Analysis, Timeline of Events, Resolution and Recovery, Corrective and Preventative Measures, and Lessons Learned.

But that's not all. We understand that starting with a blank slate can be intimidating. That's why we've included a detailed, AI-generated example to guide you through the process. This fictional example illustrates how each section can be filled out in a real-world scenario, providing useful guidance for completing your own postmortem report.

Whether you're dealing with a minor hiccup or a major outage, this template is an essential tool for turning setbacks into opportunities for improvement. Embrace a proactive approach to incident resolution, and foster a culture of transparency and continuous learning in your team with our Postmortem Template for Tech Incidents.

Uma prévia do modelo para Incidents Post Mortem

4Creator Brain 3.0

Introducing Creator Brain 3.0 +: Your ultimate companion for navigating the creative landscape and keeping your life on track. Think of it as your personal assistant, but smarter. With Creator Brain+, you can effortlessly manage your content, sponsorships, and ideas while staying on top of your daily tasks, goals, and habits—all in a single, intuitive platform.

No more juggling between different apps or scribbling notes on scattered pieces of paper. With Creator Brain+, everything you need is right at your fingertips, neatly organized and easily accessible. Whether you're brainstorming new content ideas, negotiating sponsorships, or planning out your day, Creator Brain+ has got you covered.

But it's not just about work. Creator Brain+ also helps you take care of yourself, offering tools for setting and tracking goals, cultivating healthy habits, and reflecting on your journey through journaling. It's like having a personal coach cheering you on every step of the way.

And the best part? Creator Brain+ learns and adapts to your unique needs and preferences, offering personalized insights and recommendations to help you reach your full potential. So why wait? Upgrade to Creator Brain+ today and unlock a whole new level of productivity and creativity in your life.

Uma prévia do modelo para Creator Brain 3.0

5WordPress Website Maintenance Tracker

Centralized Organization: Keep all maintenance-related information in one place for easy access and reference. 📋
Issue Tracking: Identify and address website issues promptly with a dedicated tracking system. 🐛
Customizable Fields: Adapt the template to your unique needs with customizable fields and sections. 🎨
Task Management: Track pending tasks, assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and monitor task status effortlessly. ⏰
Update & Backup Log: Maintain a detailed log of all changes made to your website, including updates, modifications, and backups. 📝
Documentation and Resources: Access helpful documentation, tutorials, and resources to enhance your WordPress maintenance skills. 📚

Uma prévia do modelo para WordPress Website Maintenance Tracker

6Linear Issue Tracker

This template is composed by 4 main databases and includes extensive documentation.

- [Issues]: Database of all your tasks/tickets, showing their related projects and cycles.
- [Projects]: Database of projects, where you can easily view all of the issues within a project. These are custom to your business and should reflect the way you break down work, the template has 3 example projects you can rename or delete.
- [Cycles board]: Board that shows the tasks for the current cycle.
- [Sprints] : Database of current, future and past cycles.

[Issues](the way Linear calls database items - the tasks that need to be worked on) is the main database. Each [issue] is a Notion page so what you can write in there is quite powerful, and you can create custom templates. Note you can create templates in Linear as well. Qw created a simple template called `A new issue` that you can access by clicking the "New" blue button.

The Issues database mimics Linear's standard fields very closely. In Notion, unlike Linear, you could add more fields to your liking. All fields are optional except the issue name.

These are the fields of the [database schema]:

- Issue name (main Issue title - text)
- status (single select)
- priority (single select). Unlike Linear, the options can be customized, but in the template they mimic Linear’s:
- Urgent
- High
- Medium
- Low
- assignee: this is a Notion user who is in charge of working on that issue
- label (multi-select): This a customizable tag-like property you can customize to better categorize and filter
- Sub-issue: an issue with its own unique ID that can be associated to a “parent issue”. Useful to break down larger deliverables into smaller issues.
- Blocked by (Relation to other issues)
- Blocking (Relation to other issues)
- Due date
- ID: this is a numerical unique identifier. We use Notion’s native ID property
- Created time: this is auto-generated by Notion, it’s a timestamp of when the issue was created, useful for sorting and filtering.
- Relation to [Sprints] database. Assign issues to the corresponding Cycle when you plan to work on it. At the end of each cycle, you go to [Cycles board] and click “Complete cycle” button on the top right,
- You'll be asked to confirm the dates of your next sprint and what you'd like to do with the incomplete tasks. Click `Complete Sprint`.
- The status of your `Current` sprint will be changed to `Past`. The status of the `Next` sprint will be changed to `Current`.
- The tasks on the board will reflect the new `Current` sprint.
- A new `Next` sprint will be created if none exists.
- Relation to Projects database
- Projects database: a project is a collection of issues. Just click on the list of issues to assign them to a project, or vice-versa. These are the fields, mimicking Linear:
- Status
- Target date
- Project lead
- project members
- Related issues
- Progress (auto-calculated based on the issues associated with the project)
- Estimate points:
- You can pick t-shirt size or points. These are taken into account to estimate completion % of the project.
- GitHub pull request: link to pull request in GitHub if applicable

Database views are filtered view of the Issues database.

We created a few views in the Issues database that are linked in the right side menu, but also accessible from the Dropdown menu, but you can create many more. The "Aging issues" view for example does not exist in Linear and uses Notion's timeline view to show how long have the issues been open.

See documentation for a list of differences between the native Linear app and this Notion template.

Uma prévia do modelo para Linear Issue Tracker

7Coding Tracker

Organize and enhance your coding journey with the Coding Problem Log, a dynamic Notion template designed to streamline your progress and learning. Whether you're tackling coding challenges on LeetCode, CodeChef, HackerRank, or other platforms, this template empowers you to store all your solved problems and write detailed notes for each.

Key Features:

Platform Integration: Seamlessly log problems solved across multiple platforms including LeetCode, CodeChef, HackerRank, and more. Keep all your achievements in one centralized location for easy reference.

Detailed Problem Entries: Write detailed notes for each solved problem, including your thought process, approach, and any insights gained. Capture valuable learnings and strategies to enhance your problem-solving skills.

Tagging and Categorization: Tag and categorize problems based on topics, difficulty levels, or platforms. Quickly filter and search through your log to find relevant problems and notes.

Progress Tracking: Monitor your progress over time by tracking the number of problems solved, difficulty levels conquered, and improvements made. Set goals and benchmarks to motivate yourself and measure your growth.

Customizable Templates: Customize problem entries and note-taking formats to suit your preferences. Tailor the template to fit your specific coding journey and learning style.

Accessible Anywhere: Access your Coding Problem Log from anywhere with Notion's cloud-based platform. Sync your progress across devices and never lose track of your coding accomplishments.

Uma prévia do modelo para Coding Tracker

8Bug Report Tracker

treamline your bug tracking and issue management with our Notion Bug Report Tracker Template. Designed for simplicity and efficiency, this template is perfect for software teams, quality assurance engineers, and project managers looking for an effective way to keep track of bugs, issues, and feature requests.

What's Included?

✔ Issue Management: Easily record and track bugs, issues, and feature requests in one organized database.

✔ Status Visualization: Quickly see the current status of each issue with intuitive visual cues.

✔ Customizable Workflow: Adjust the template to fit your team's specific process and needs.

✔ Mobile-Friendly: Access your bug tracker on the go with a mobile-friendly design.

✔ Close Issue Button: Easily mark issues as resolved with a dedicated button.

✔ Statistics & Reporting: Gain insights into your workflow with built-in statistics to track your team's progress.

✔ Customization Options: Personalize the template to match your team's workflow and preferences.


Q: What is Notion? Notion is a versatile platform that allows you to organize your thoughts, projects, and workflows in one place.

Q: Can I share the Notion template with my team? Absolutely! You can share the Notion template with your team members within the same workspace. This allows for easy collaboration and collective issue tracking. Just remember that sharing outside your team or workspace isn't allowed.

Q: How will I receive the template? After purchasing, open the template link. Click "Duplicate" in the upper right corner to duplicate the template into your workspace.

Q: Can I share this template? No. This template is for personal or internal team use only. Resale or sharing with third parties is not allowed.

Uma prévia do modelo para Bug Report Tracker

9Lessons Learned Log

Elevate your project management with the Notion Lessons Learned Log, a dynamic tool designed to transform challenges into learning opportunities. It offers a structured approach to document key takeaways, actionable recommendations, and team feedback from every project phase. This comprehensive log not only enhances project strategies but also promotes a culture of learning and adaptation within your team. With its user-friendly format, it’s an essential asset for any project manager seeking to refine their approach and achieve greater success in future endeavors

Uma prévia do modelo para Lessons Learned Log

10Gap Analysis Toolkit

The Gap Analysis Toolkit is not just one template – it's seven unique templates developed for different aspects of your business.

1. Universal GAP Analysis
2. Product Development Gap Analysis
3. Market Gap Analysis (also known as Product Gap Analysis)
4. Strategic Gap Analysis
5. Financial GAP Analysis
6. Skill Gap Analysis
7. Website GAP Analysis
+ Examples & Video Tutorial

Use this template package to quickly perform a gap analysis and save time.

Uma prévia do modelo para Gap Analysis Toolkit

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates can streamline your debugging process, saving you valuable time and effort. Their structured format helps in identifying and resolving glitches more efficiently.

By implementing these tools, you enhance your project's reliability and performance. Don't hesitate to integrate them into your workflow to see immediate improvements in your development cycle.

What is a Bug Severity Index?

A metric used in glitch logs to rate the impact and urgency of a bug, helping prioritize bug fixes based on severity.

What is a Replication Step?

Documented procedures in a glitch log that outline the steps taken to reproduce a bug, crucial for debugging and verifying fixes.

What is a Resolution Code?

A code entered into a glitch log to categorize the method and effectiveness of the bug fix, aiding in future troubleshooting and analysis.

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