Top 10 Free Sprint Task Templates

Having Sprint Tasks in your life is crucial for maintaining focus, managing time effectively, and ensuring that you're progressing towards your goals. A Sprint Tasks template in Notion can streamline this process by providing a structured and customizable framework to organize your tasks, set priorities, and track your progress. It simplifies the planning and execution of your work, allowing you to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Before you dive into creating your own Sprint Tasks, take a look at these Sprint Tasks Notion templates to make the process even easier. They offer a variety of features and layouts to suit different project needs and can save you time and effort.

What Should Sprint Tasks Templates Include?

Choosing the right Sprint Tasks Template in Notion can streamline your project management and enhance team productivity. Here are key components to look for in a high-quality template:

  1. Task Status Categories: A good template should have predefined categories such as To Do, In Progress, and Done, which help in tracking the progress of each task effectively.

  2. Priority Settings: It should allow you to set priorities for tasks, enabling the team to focus on what's most important first and manage resources efficiently.

  3. Integration Capabilities: The template should seamlessly integrate with other tools used by your team, such as calendars or communication apps, to centralize information and updates.

  4. Customization Flexibility: Look for templates that are easily customizable to adapt to the specific needs and workflows of your team, ensuring a perfect fit for your projects.

With these components, a Sprint Tasks Template in Notion can become an indispensable part of your project management toolkit, fostering better organization and team collaboration.

What Should Sprint Tasks Templates Avoid?

When selecting a Sprint Tasks Template in Notion, it's essential to be aware of certain features that might hinder your team's productivity rather than enhance it. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Layouts: Templates with too many sections or complicated navigation can confuse users, leading to decreased efficiency and increased frustration.

  2. Non-Customizable Fields: Avoid templates that don't allow you to modify fields. Flexibility in updating statuses, priorities, and assignees is vital for adapting to project shifts.

  3. Fixed Time Frames: Steer clear of templates that lock you into specific time frames. Agile projects require flexibility, and the ability to adjust sprints based on real-time progress is essential.

Choosing the right template involves more than just aesthetics; it's about ensuring functionality aligns with your team's workflow and project demands.


Use this template to track all of your project work. Organize your projects by epics, sprints, tasks, and bugs. You can view the database different ways to see projects by status, engineer, or product manager.

Save time by using the templates made for each type of task, where you can add more as needed, as well as custom properties to track important information.

Uma prévia do modelo para Roadmap

2Rastreador de problemas

Acompanhe projetos de desenvolvimento de qualquer formato ou tamanho com este modelo. Para as equipes que usam o método Agile, é possível dividir cada projeto em tarefas, priorizar o backlog e, em seguida, organizar as tarefas em sprints. Filtre por status, prioridade e equipe para visualizar o trabalho da maneira que desejar. Além disso, conecte suas outras ferramentas essenciais, como Github, Figma, Slack e outras, para realmente manter todo o seu trabalho em um só lugar.

Uma prévia do modelo para Rastreador de problemas

3Small Design Agency Task Management

This template helps to organise incoming work from the client account management teams into a creative design team at a small design agency. Often there are competing creative deadlines across account management teams which can lead to miss management of task priorities. On this template both the management team and creative team have their own workspace which is connected together, providing a way to manage creative tasks.

Uma prévia do modelo para Small Design Agency Task Management

4Notion Engineering Dashboard

The Notion Engineering Dashboard is an easy-to-use workspace for you to track your tasks, stories, epics, sprints, and meetings. With this Notion setup you can cut out clutter and focus on your highest priority tasks, without losing track of important details.

Uma prévia do modelo para Notion Engineering Dashboard

5Product Backlog w/ DoR and DoD

Get started with your project with this straight-forward Product Backlog template with pre-defined Definition of Ready and Definition of Done. Your project doesn't have to be a software or something complex in order to use this. It can fit to any application or use case, whether for personal or business purposes. You will be guided what data to populate in Epic, PBI, User Story, Acceptance Criteria, etc., based on the samples provided.

Uma prévia do modelo para Product Backlog w/ DoR and DoD

6Reunião de planejamento de sprint

Nosso modelo de reuniões de planejamento de sprint é uma ferramenta eficiente em termos de tempo, projetada para otimizar seu planejamento de sprint. Com um único clique, você pode gerar uma nova entrada de reunião de sprint marcada com a data de hoje. O modelo inclui seções estruturadas para revisar a sprint anterior, planejar a próxima sprint e promover discussões. Você também pode convenientemente vincular sprints associados. Essa abordagem organizada e simples, baseada em texto, mantém seu planejamento de sprint focado e efetivo.

Uma prévia do modelo para Reunião de planejamento de sprint

7Action Plan

The Action Plan Template helps you to create action plans easily.

By creating an action plan you’ll able to gain a clear understanding of your short-term objectives are.

By creating an action plan you’ll be able to streamline your efforts and stay focused on what truly matters.

Uma prévia do modelo para Action Plan

8Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

It helps to create an work flow in IT departments

Uma prévia do modelo para Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

9Weekly Sprints

Are you someone who wants to plan out your week ahead? Or someone who wants to track their weekly habits?

Here's a simple to use weekly planner, where you can set your goals for the week in one of the 4 categories: Personal, Professional, Health and Social. Add your TODOs for the week in those columns or track your habits.

You can easily add a new week with the button and take a look at your older weeks' progress in the History section as well. Personalise it as you like and make it work for you.

Uma prévia do modelo para Weekly Sprints

10Definition of Ready Checklist

The Definition of Ready (DoR) is a crucial concept in agile development that outlines the criteria a user story must meet before it can be implemented. This checklist will provide teams with a comprehensive framework for effectively defining the DoR and by following it, teams can ensure that user stories are well-prepared, reducing ambiguity and improving efficiency.

Uma prévia do modelo para Definition of Ready Checklist

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines your project management process, significantly reducing the time spent on task organization. They provide a clear structure that enhances team collaboration and efficiency.

By adopting these templates, you ensure consistency in how tasks are handled and reported across all team members. This uniformity is key to maintaining a smooth workflow and achieving project goals faster.

Don't hesitate to integrate these tools into your daily operations. The simplicity and effectiveness they bring to project management can transform your productivity and project outcomes.

What is a Burndown Chart?

A graphical representation that shows the amount of work left versus time, often used in sprints to track progress and predict project completion rates.

What is a Sprint Backlog?

A subset of the product backlog selected for the sprint, containing tasks and requirements that are committed to be completed by the end of the sprint.

What is a Sprint Retrospective?

A meeting held at the end of a sprint where the team reflects on the past sprint to identify and plan improvements for the next sprint.

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