Top 10 Free Product Templates

Level up your process with powerful templates that help you go from an idea to building a winning product.

What Should Product Templates Include?

Choosing the right product template in Notion can streamline your project management and enhance productivity. Here are key components to look for when selecting a template:

  1. Task Management: The template should offer comprehensive features for tracking tasks, including customizable statuses, priorities, and assignment options.

  2. Integration Capabilities: A good template should seamlessly integrate with other tools like Slack, Google Drive, or Trello to keep all your resources in sync.

  3. Progress Tracking: Look for templates that include built-in progress bars or dashboards that visually represent the advancement of your projects.

  4. Collaboration Tools: Ensure the template supports real-time collaboration features, allowing team members to communicate and update tasks without delays.

Selecting a template with these components will help you maintain a clear overview of your projects and foster effective team collaboration.

What Should Product Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right product template in Notion can streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. However, it's equally important to know what to avoid in a template to ensure it suits your needs.

  1. Overly Complex Structures: Templates with too many layers and complicated navigation can hinder rather than help. They should enhance clarity, not create confusion.

  2. Generic Content: Avoid templates filled with placeholder texts and generic content that don't align with your specific project needs. Customization should be minimal and straightforward.

  3. Fixed Layouts: Steer clear of templates that don't allow adjustments to the layout. Flexibility is key to adapting the template as your project evolves and grows.

Remember, the best template is one that feels as if it was tailor-made for your project, helping you focus on the product rather than on managing the tool itself.

1Wiki de produtos

Organize toda a documentação relacionada ao produto com este modelo, que unifica guias e processos em um só lugar com seções fáceis de navegar.

Uma prévia do modelo para Wiki de produtos

2Kit para desenvolvedores de software

Este modelo fornece tudo o que seu desenvolvimento de produtos precisa. Um quadro de planejamento para gerentes de produtos organizarem seu backlog, escreverem especificações do produto e priorizarem o trabalho. Quadros Kanban e de Sprint são fornecidos para as tarefas da equipe de engenharia e da equipe de design, incluindo especificações técnicas e de design. As tarefas se vinculam ao quadro de planejamento, ao Github e ao Figma.

Uma prévia do modelo para Kit para desenvolvedores de software

3Kit para equipes de Produto

O Kit para equipes de Produto é a sua ferramenta essencial para um desenvolvimento eficiente de produtos. É como ter um centro de comando virtual que organiza tudo, desde mapas de estratégia até solicitações de recursos, tudo em um só lugar. Ao centralizar seus recursos, ele minimiza a necessidade de alternar entre plataformas, economizando tempo valioso para sua equipe e aprimorando o fluxo de trabalho.

O modelo incentiva um ambiente colaborativo onde todos se mantêm atualizados e engajados, promovendo uma melhor comunicação e tomada de decisões mais rápidas. Desde o acompanhamento de objetivos-chave até o gerenciamento de lançamentos de produtos, este modelo capacita sua equipe de produtos com tudo o que precisa para um trabalho eficiente, colaborativo e eficaz.

Uma prévia do modelo para Kit para equipes de Produto

4Product Requirement Doc

Leveraging Notion's PRD template integrates elements like requirements template, product specs, feature specifications, and technical specs into a streamlined project brief. It facilitates the creation of build requirements, product outlines, and a thorough requirements checklist, while also covering design requirements and specification sheets, making it an essential tool for detailed product development documentation and collaboration.

Uma prévia do modelo para Product Requirement Doc

5Simple PRD

This template contains the PRD (Product Requirement Document) which is a basic requirement for product managers and digital product development teams.

Uma prévia do modelo para Simple PRD

6Product Requirements Document

There are many phases building a product. With Loom’s Product Requirements Document (PRD) template, you can clearly lay out all the parts to get you from idea to launch.

Uma prévia do modelo para Product Requirements Document

7PRD (Product requirements doc)

A product requirements doc is critical to organizing and validating the thoughts around a new feature or product build. This template enables you to start collecting requirements and begin sequencing work.

Uma prévia do modelo para PRD (Product requirements doc)

8Product spec

A Product Requirement Document (PRD) or Product Spec designed for product managers in tech. It allows you to easily build a spec and track pain points, users and personas, implementation plan and success criteria.

I built this template because I was frustrated by how hard it is to keep track of all the relevant parts of a PRD in more conventional tools - the main upside of building Specs in Notion is that it allows you to keep a clean high-level overview, while linking the more detailed pieces in.

Also, I love that I can use the Relations feature to link users to user stories and features - this allows you to always ensure you know for who you’re building something and what pain you’re trying to solve!

Uma prévia do modelo para Product spec

9Product 1-Pager

This template facilitates the strategic planning of your initiative by helping you define its description, identify the problem it solves, evaluate its worth, and determine success criteria. It also guides you in setting the target audience, formulating the experiment plan, and establishing milestones.

Uma prévia do modelo para Product 1-Pager

10Wiki de produtos

Organize toda a documentação relacionada ao produto com este modelo, que unifica guias e processos em um só lugar com seções fáceis de navegar.

Uma prévia do modelo para Wiki de produtos

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates can significantly streamline your workflow, allowing you to focus more on creativity and less on setup. They are designed to be flexible, catering to various needs effortlessly.

Start integrating these tools into your daily routine to see immediate improvements in productivity and organization. Embrace the ease and efficiency they bring to manage your projects and tasks effectively.

What is a Product Roadmap?

A strategic plan that defines a goal or desired outcome and includes the major steps or milestones needed to reach it.

What is a Product Backlog?

A prioritized list of tasks that teams need to work on within a product development project.

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

The version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learnings about customers with the least effort.

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