Top Design Brief Templates for Product Designers

A Design Brief serves as a strategic plan for product designers, outlining objectives, target audience, and project deliverables, thereby providing a clear direction for the design project. A well-crafted Design Brief template within Notion can simplify this process, organizing key information and expectations in a structured manner, enabling designers to focus on creativity and problem-solving. Before embarking on crafting your own Design Brief template, consider exploring the examples listed below to streamline your approach and enhance project outcomes efficiently.

What Should Design Brief Templates Include?

Choosing the right Design Brief Template is crucial for streamlining your design process and ensuring all necessary information is captured effectively. Here are key components to look for in a template:

  1. Project Overview: This section should succinctly summarize the project goals, target audience, and background. It sets the stage for all stakeholders.

  2. Objectives and Goals: Clearly defined objectives help keep the project focused and measurable. Look for templates that facilitate setting specific, achievable goals.

  3. Scope of Work: The template should outline the scope including deadlines, deliverables, and any constraints. This helps in managing expectations and resources efficiently.

  4. Budget and Resources: A section dedicated to the budget and available resources is essential for planning and ensures the project stays on track financially.

Ultimately, a well-structured Design Brief Template not only saves time but also enhances communication and productivity among team members.

What Should Design Brief Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right design brief template is crucial for streamlining your project's workflow. However, not all components are beneficial. Here are a few elements you should steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Terminology: Avoid templates that use jargon or overly technical language. They can confuse stakeholders who are not familiar with design specifics.

  2. Excessive Detail: While detail is important, overly intricate templates can be overwhelming. Choose one that balances comprehensiveness with simplicity.

  3. Rigid Structure: A template that doesn’t allow customization can restrict creativity. Opt for templates that are flexible and adaptable to different projects.

Selecting a template that avoids these pitfalls will ensure a smoother, more effective communication and workflow for your design projects.

1크리에이티브 브리프

에이전시나 프리랜서와의 원활한 협업을 위해 필요한 모든 요건과 정보를 한곳에 정리하세요.

크리에이티브 브리프님의 템플릿 미리보기

2프로덕트 디자인 요건

‘프로덕트 디자인 요건’ 템플릿을 소개합니다. 이 템플릿은 아이디어 구상부터 실행까지 프로덕트 디자인 프로세스를 간소화하도록 설계된 종합적인 협업 템플릿이에요. 여기에서 필수 정보를 정리하고 효율적으로 커뮤니케이션하면서 디자인 프로젝트를 구조적으로 진행해 보세요.

프로덕트 디자인 요건님의 템플릿 미리보기

3디자인 브리프

디자인 프로젝트를 효과적으로 진행하는 데 필요한 모든 요건과 정보를 한곳에 정리하세요.

디자인 브리프님의 템플릿 미리보기

4Design & System Requirements Template

This template document aims to summarise the findings in this current stage of the research and to provide guidelines for the design (designers) and for the system (developers) based on this research.

Design & System Requirements Template님의 템플릿 미리보기

5Brand Design Brief

Ugh, tired of design drafts that miss the mark?

You know, the ones that look kinda pretty, but don't really connect with your audience or boost your sales?

Been there, done that. That's why I created this super-simple Brand Design Brief Template.

Think of it as your magic wand for crafting a brand that:
Turns heads with stunning visuals that capture your unique vibe.
Speaks to your ideal customers like they're old friends.
Crushes the competition by standing out from the crowd.
Drives real business results, not just likes and shares.

No more design drama, Just a clear roadmap that helps you and your designer:
Understand your target audience inside-out. Who are they? What makes them tick?
Unleash your creative vision. Playful? Sleek? You name it! ✨
Spot your competitive edge. What are they doing right (and wrong)?
Fuel your designer's imagination. Share visual inspo to spark their creativity.
Align design with your business goals. Let's make it happen!

Brand Design Brief님의 템플릿 미리보기

6UX/UI Design Project Brief

Looking for a skilled UX/UI designer? Check out this comprehensive UX/UI Design Project Brief Notion template! The Overview section provides background information about your expertise, while the "Why me" section highlights your unique value proposition. The Services section outlines the design offerings to cater to all client needs. Budget and timeline management are made easy with dedicated tables. Finally, the Terms and Conditions section ensures a productive collaboration. Start your UX/UI design project with confidence using this professional Notion template. Contact the client today to kickstart your project!

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7Ideation Board & Library For Graphic Designer

What’s inside this template?

✅ Brainstorms Ideas & Concepts: Crucial for generating ideas & concept. It allows the designers note down their initial thoughts

✅ Sketches: A space for rough sketches and initial design concepts. This helps the designer visualize ideas before refining them.

✅ Mood Board Library: A library of mood boards, you can create and save to establish the visual direction by compiling images, colors, and textures that evoke the desired mood or style.

✅ Color Palettes Library: A library of color, you can create and save color palettes that align with the project's theme or client's preferences.

✅ Typography Library: A library of typography, you can create and save font choices and pairings, ensuring consistency in typography across the project.

✅ Images Library: A library of images, you can create and save graphics, and visual assets for reference and inspiration.

✅ Includes Tutorial Videos!

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8디자인 스펙 문서

이 템플릿으로 새 프로덕트 기능이나 다양한 프로젝트의 자료 조사, 기획, 개발을 진행하세요. 웹 북마크 형태로 조사 자료와 참고 링크를 삽입할 수 있습니다. 해당 기능을 개발하는 이유와 방법, 필수 요구사항, 성공 지표 등도 정리하세요. Figma, Framer, InVision, Github 임베드를 활용해 목업 디자인과 프로토타입을 공유하는 방법도 참고하세요.

디자인 스펙 문서님의 템플릿 미리보기

9Content design workflow

An end-to-end process guide with tips, a checklist and mindset prompts. It helps define project scope, the writing process and focuses on the most important parts of the UX content design process.

Use this template to save time, reduce writers block, and help apply a standardized process in a writing team.

Content design workflow님의 템플릿 미리보기

10Notion Design Brief

Are you tired of spending endless hours on product design projects that seem to go nowhere?

Imagine having a secret weapon 🪄 to streamline your design process and create successful products every time.

Why this Notion design brief template?

A single page, well organized, and has enough detail to guide you to write down your brief in minutes!

😎 Save time

🚀 Increase productivity

💰 Deliver exceptional results

🔎 Include detailed guide and hints

💎 Ultimate template for digital product design projects

👋 Say goodbye to frustration and hello to success with our game-changing design brief template!

Notion Design Brief님의 템플릿 미리보기

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines the design process, ensuring consistency and clarity across projects. They help in maintaining focus on user needs and business goals, enhancing overall productivity.

Start implementing these tools today to see a significant improvement in your workflow and output quality. Embrace the structure they provide to elevate your creative projects.

What is a Mood Board?

A mood board is a visual tool that communicates the general aesthetic and emotional direction for a project, often used in the initial phases of design to align on vision.

What is a Scope Creep?

Scope creep refers to the gradual expansion of features and functionalities in a project, which can lead to delays and budget overruns, often necessitating revisions to the original design brief.

What is a Stakeholder Map?

A stakeholder map is a visual representation used to identify and categorize the groups or individuals that have a vested interest in a project, helping designers understand influence and expectations.

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