Top 10 Free PLG Templates

Product-Led Growth (PLG) is a business methodology that places the product at the center of the user acquisition, expansion, and retention strategies. It's crucial for creating a user-centric product that sells itself and for aligning teams around real user needs. A PLG Notion template can streamline the process of planning and executing a PLG strategy, ensuring that all aspects of product development, marketing, and sales are focused on delivering value to the user.

Before you dive into creating your own PLG, consider exploring these PLG Notion templates to simplify and enhance your approach.

What Should PLG Templates Include?

Choosing the right PLG (Product Led Growth) template in Notion can significantly streamline your workflow and enhance your product's growth trajectory. Here are key components to look for:

  1. Comprehensive Dashboards: A good PLG template should include dashboards that provide clear visibility into product usage, engagement metrics, and growth KPIs.

  2. User Segmentation Features: Effective templates offer tools for segmenting users based on behavior, which aids in tailoring outreach and improving user retention.

  3. Feedback Loops: Look for templates that incorporate mechanisms for collecting and analyzing user feedback, essential for iterative product improvements.

  4. Scalability: Ensure the template can scale with your product. It should support increasing data volumes and user numbers without performance hitches.

By focusing on these elements, you can select a Notion PLG template that not only fits your current needs but also adapts to future demands.

What Should PLG Templates Avoid?

When selecting a PLG template in Notion, it's essential to be aware of certain features that might hinder rather than help. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Structures: Templates with too many nested pages or intricate frameworks can complicate the user experience and steepen the learning curve unnecessarily.

  2. Non-Customizable Elements: Avoid templates that don't allow you to tweak and tailor settings to fit your specific needs. Flexibility is key in a PLG template to ensure it grows with your project.

  3. Generic Content: Templates filled with too much placeholder text or irrelevant pre-filled data can be more of a hindrance than a help, leading to more cleanup work before actual use.

Choosing the right PLG template involves looking for simplicity, customization, and relevance that align with your project's needs, ensuring a smoother workflow and better integration.

1제품 출시 계획

이 템플릿으로 제품을 출시하는 과정에 참여하는 모든 팀의 업무를 한 곳에서 조율하세요. 출시에 관한 모든 부분을 팀원들과 한곳에서 계획하고 실행할 수 있습니다.

제품 출시 계획님의 템플릿 미리보기

2Product Marketing Team

Optimize your product marketing efforts with this Notion template. It's a user-friendly hub for team collaboration, project management, and content strategy. Simplify your project management journey with this straightforward Notion template.

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3Stefanos's Productivity Pack

Do you want to go a step further and make intentional learning a daily way of life?

Gain immediate access to the best Notion templates centred around personal growth, from writing your own personal user manual and career growth plan to creating your own portfolio and goal setting.

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4Notion’s GTM calendar

A go-to-market (GTM) plan aligns everyone and their tasks when bringing a product to market. This GTM calendar keeps track of launch dates, milestones, context, and more! View your events in a timeline, calendar, or table view by using different . Use this template to keep track of your launches and align cross-functional teams at every stage of bringing a product to users.

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5Etsy Business Comparative / Competitive Analysis

This template provides a condensed comparative analysis, presenting key data points for a side-by-side evaluation of entities or businesses within the same niche in the context of competitive analysis. Relevant data such as Original Price, Discount, Listing Age, Tags or Keywords, Cancellation Accepted, Ad, Star Seller, Sales, Listings, Reviews, Social Channels, and more have been pre-defined. Items are grouped per Category (or Product) as shops usually sell products of different categories. You may add properties such as Shipping, Custom Order and other info that you may find helpful.

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6Notion's GTM plan

Notion's GTM plan template offers a streamlined approach to product launches. Starting with a clear executive summary, the template guides you through team roles, launch strategy, messaging, and market insights. Easily define your product's value, anticipate market reactions, and plan your launch day down to the last detail. With this template, turning your product ideas into successful launches becomes a straightforward task.

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7Email Marketing Planner

Key Features:

Structure workflows by projects.

Write, organize, and plan emails.

Strategically market products.

Connect your products to emails.

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8META ADS Media Performance Metrics (Ecom)

This Ecom media audit template empowers you to systematically gather and analyze metrics for each creative, presenting a comprehensive overview within a unified platform.
Whether scrutinizing performance, tracking engagement, or optimizing content, our template simplifies the intricate audit process.

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9Product Marketing Portfolio

A sample portfolio to showcase your best work, projects, and career progression.

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10Product Demo Video Script

No need start from a blank canvas. You can easily plug in your content and create your own script instantly. Plan out your story step by step.

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Closing Thoughts

These templates streamline your workflow, enabling you to focus more on product-led growth strategies rather than administrative tasks. They are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly.

Implementing these tools can significantly enhance your team's productivity and collaboration. Start by choosing one template that aligns with your current needs and customize it as you go.

By integrating these solutions, you'll not only save time but also gain insights from built-in analytics features, helping you make data-driven decisions swiftly.

What is Viral Coefficient?

The viral coefficient is a metric that quantifies the number of new users an existing user generates through referrals in a product-led growth (PLG) strategy.

What is Time-to-Value (TTV)?

Time-to-Value (TTV) is the speed at which a new user can derive value from a product after first use, crucial in PLG to reduce churn and boost adoption.

What is Product Qualified Lead (PQL)?

A Product Qualified Lead (PQL) is a user who has experienced meaningful engagement with the product's core features and is more likely to convert to a paying customer.

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