Closet Declutter

The closet declutter template allows you to sort through and label each clothing item, to decide what to keep and what to give up.
템플릿 설명

Start by counting and entering your clothing pieces into the table. This will give you an overview of the total number of items in your closet. Next, tag each item based on your preferences and whether they fit you well. By doing this, you'll have a clear picture of the pieces you both love and that flatter your body.
In the "Bye bye 👋" view, you'll find the items you should consider eliminating, either by discarding them or donating them if they're in good condition. On the other hand, the "❤️" view will showcase the pieces you adore and that fit you perfectly. Take a moment to reflect on what you love about these items, as it will help guide your future choices when it comes to clothing 🫶.

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