Top Design Portfolio Templates for UX/UI Designers

For UX/UI designers, a Design Portfolio is an organized presentation of their projects that highlights their creativity, problem-solving capabilities, and project outcomes. It serves as a practical tool in showcasing their skills to potential employers or clients, effectively bridging the gap between their capabilities and the industry’s needs. A Design Portfolio template can streamline the process of portfolio creation, ensuring that designers can focus on presenting their work in the most engaging way possible without getting bogged down by layout concerns.

Before embarking on the journey to craft your Design Portfolio, consider exploring the templates mentioned here to facilitate a smoother process.

What Should Design Portfolio Templates Include?

Choosing the right design portfolio template is crucial for showcasing your UX/UI skills effectively. Here are key components to look for in a template:

  1. Clear Structure: The template should have a well-organized layout that allows easy navigation and highlights your work prominently.

  2. Responsive Design: Ensure the template performs well on various devices, as this reflects your technical acumen and attention to user experience.

  3. Customization Options: A good template offers flexibility to modify colors, fonts, and layouts to express your personal brand and style.

  4. Case Study Sections: Look for templates that include dedicated areas for detailed case studies, allowing you to showcase the process and outcome of your projects.

Selecting a template with these features will not only enhance the presentation of your work but also convey your professionalism and understanding of good design practices.

What Should Design Portfolio Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right template for your design portfolio can significantly impact how your work is perceived. It's crucial to avoid templates that include certain elements that can detract from your portfolio's effectiveness.

  1. Overly Complex Layouts: Avoid templates that feature excessive boxes, frames, or an overwhelming amount of visual elements. These can distract from your actual work and make the portfolio feel cluttered.

  2. Non-Responsive Design: Ensure the template you choose is responsive across all devices. A non-responsive design can frustrate viewers and make your work look unprofessional on mobile or tablet devices.

  3. Heavy Use of Generic Stock Images: Templates that rely heavily on stock images can undermine the authenticity of your portfolio. Choose a template that allows your work to stand out, not get lost among generic visuals.

Selecting a template that promotes clarity, responsiveness, and authenticity will set a professional tone for your portfolio and enhance the presentation of your work.




2Designer portfolio

A portfolio for designers or product managers, where you can showcase your featured projects, about section, and links to your social media.

Designer portfolioのテンプレートのプレビュー

3UX Portfolio

Key Features of the Template:

Personal Introduction Section: Begin with a personal touch. Introduce yourself with a brief bio, your design philosophy, and what drives you in the UX field. This section sets the tone and gives a face to the portfolio.

Case Studies and Project Showcases: Dive deep into your most significant projects. This section is designed to present your case studies with clarity, focusing on the problem, your process, the solution, and the impact of your work.

Professional Overview: Here you can upload your CV for employers to quickly view your professional and educational trajectory

Testimonials and Endorsements: Feature testimonials from colleagues, clients, or mentors. This social proof can significantly enhance the persuasive power of your portfolio.

Contact Information and Call-to-Action: Clear call-to-actions with your contact information and social presences making it easy for potential employers or clients to reach out to you.

UX Portfolio のテンプレートのプレビュー

4UX Portfolio

Lot's of entry level designers are confused on how to build a industry standard UX Portfolio.

Effective UX portfolios show recruiters and hiring managers/teams what a skilled, proactive, collaborative designer, like yourself, can add value to the organisation.

Here I created a simple-to-customize template so you can focus on the writing, instead of the design.

The ultimate goal of this template is to get you hired as a UX Designer.

UX Portfolioのテンプレートのプレビュー

5Workfolio | Your Personal Portfolio

Let's showcase your expertise with a clean and modern portfolio, this template is a great landing page portfolio.

It includes an About section, Projects portfolio, contact information, and more.

You can customize each page to match your personal brand and style, and add your own images and content to make it more amazing.

Workfolio | Your Personal Portfolio のテンプレートのプレビュー

6Graphic Design Portfolio

his Notion template is designed to help designers create a beautiful website that highlights their skills, projects, and experience.

With a sleek and modern design, this template features pages for your portfolio, about section, services, contact information, and blog posts. You can customize each page to match your personal brand and style, and add your own images and content to make it truly unique.

Graphic Design Portfolioのテンプレートのプレビュー

7Resume UI/UX Designer

It can simplify and expedite the process of creating an online resume for a UI/UX Designer or any other professional.

Resume UI/UX Designerのテンプレートのプレビュー

8UX Portfolio & Case Study + Tips

I used to struggle with creating a realistic case study for my portfolio. The examples online and from bootcamps seemed out of touch with my real work experience in software houses and as an in-house designer. They talked about many steps in the design process that I never really went through. For example, I've only created one persona in all my years of working on real products. Usually, we designers work on parts of a project, not the whole thing from start to end.

So, I made this template to focus on real problems and solutions from my UX designer journey. It helps show your value in the projects you've worked on. This way, recruiters can easily see what you did to make things better. My approach is simple: introduce the client and project, share your research, talk about the features you worked on with the problem and solution, and wrap up your case study. This template is all about showing your real contribution without getting lost in fancy process terms.

UX Portfolio & Case Study + Tipsのテンプレートのプレビュー

9Marketing Portfolio Template

This template includes a homepage for marketers to share their work experience, their philosophies on success, personal projects, and options to get in touch for job opportunities. The benefit of using this template is you get a great starting point with a variety of "blocks" and predetermined format that allows job seekers to simply fill in the blanks and save time creating their website.

Marketing Portfolio Templateのテンプレートのプレビュー

10UI/UX Designer Case Study

This template helps UX/UI/product designers save hours of work trying to set up their own case studies. By using this framework, you’ll maximize your progress in your design story, and you’ll have your very own case study in no time. It contains 20+ questions to frame a design story that sells.

UI/UX Designer Case Studyのテンプレートのプレビュー

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates can significantly streamline your design process, allowing you to focus more on creativity and less on layout challenges. They provide a professional framework that impresses at first glance.

Adopting these templates not only saves time but also ensures consistency across your projects. Start integrating them into your workflow today to elevate your portfolio and stand out in the competitive field of design.

What is a Mood Board?

A mood board is a visual tool that communicates the general aesthetic, style, and feel of a project, often used by designers to establish the visual direction before detailed design begins.

What is a Wireframe?

A wireframe is a low-fidelity design layout that serves as a blueprint for each webpage or app screen, outlining structure, layout, and content placement without detailed graphics or color schemes.

What is a Prototype?

A prototype is an interactive demo of the final product, which is used to test design concepts, gather user feedback, and refine the user interface and user experience before the final development.
