Personal Dashboard

I use this dashboard daily, and let me tell you, it's my favorite for keeping me on track. Ready to level up your day? Snag my Personal Dashboard template now and let's own this journey together!
À propos de ce modèle

Creating new pages? Easy peasy with the action menu. Navigating my Notion world? A breeze, thanks to the slick navigation menu.

Now, let's get personal. My journal is where the magic happens – affirmations, what I'm thankful for, and 5 daily objectives making sure my day's got structure and positive vibes. Oh, and the habit tracking? A total game-changer for my personal growth journey.

Tasks? The Eisenhower task list is my sidekick, sorting out the must-dos from the "maybe laters." And yeah, we've got categories – personal and business – keeping everything in check.


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