Top 10 Free To-Do List Templates in Notion

A to-do list organizes tasks, sets priorities, and tracks progress in your daily life. Having a to-do list is important because it helps you stay focused on your goals, increases productivity, and prevents forgetfulness. A to-do list template can simplify the process of creating and managing your tasks, making it easier to achieve your objectives.

Before creating your own free to-do lists, check out these free to-do list templates below to help make the process smoother.

What Makes a Great To-Do List?

Creating a to-do list involves considering various factors to ensure it's effective and efficient. A well-crafted list can significantly improve your productivity and help you stay organized.

  • Clear goals: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives.

  • Organized structure: Categorize tasks by priority, project, or timeframe to easily navigate your list.

  • Manageable tasks: Break down larger tasks into smaller, achievable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Adaptability: Update your list regularly, adding new tasks and checking off completed ones.

  • Consistency: Develop a daily routine to review and manage your To-Do List for optimal results.

1Liste de tâches

Outil basique de gestion des tâches : créez, organisez et suivez vos tâches.

Aperçu du modèle de Liste de tâches

2Liste de tâches

Créez un tableau kanban simple, mais suffisamment sophistiqué pour gérer les tâches de votre vie personnelle et professionnelle. Notez chaque tâche à accomplir et ajoutez le contexte dont vous avez besoin pour mener à bien votre travail, tout en veillant à ce que rien ne passe entre les mailles du filet.

Aperçu du modèle de Liste de tâches

3Simple To Do List

Simple To Do List Template for Notion designed to help you accomplish more in less time.

- Add tasks and prioritize them
- Drag and drop them into the calendar
- Check off tasks when they're done
- Repeat to get more done

Aperçu du modèle de Simple To Do List

4Liste de tâches hebdomadaires

Utilisez ce modèle pour planifier et organiser tout votre travail de la semaine. Visualisez vos tâches les plus importantes et clarifiez vos priorités à l’aide d’un agenda.

Aperçu du modèle de Liste de tâches hebdomadaires

5semester planner

For visual learners, this template helps to lay out course schedules and tasks to make prioritizing as easy as possible. The planner is customizable with how detailed each student needs to be and can act simply as an aesthetic homepage

Aperçu du modèle de semester planner

6To Do List Calendar

It provides an easy visual for daily to-do's. You can see if your day is truly cluttered or if you will be having a light day.

Aperçu du modèle de To Do List Calendar

7The ultimate to-do list

You can catagorise tasks by the amount of effort needed and priority which helps you better maximsie your time. You can also add how much time you think the task will task meaning you can schedule your plan better. Having the to-do lists which is not just the daily to-do list helps you put down what you need to do so you remember and makes it easy for you to see what needs done.

Aperçu du modèle de The ultimate to-do list

8Task Manager

Use this Notion Task Manager to become more organized and productive in your daily life. Create and assign your task, and get things done.

Aperçu du modèle de Task Manager

9To Do List

Keep your weekly tasks under control with this Free Template!

Aperçu du modèle de To Do List

10The Eisenhower To Do List

In the fast-paced world of today, managing tasks efficiently becomes crucial for success. Introducing a Notion template inspired by the Eisenhower Matrix, a time management principle designed by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States. This specialized to-do list offers a unique approach to sorting and prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance.

At its core, the matrix divides tasks into four categories:

Urgent and Important: Tasks that require immediate attention and have significant consequences if not completed.
Not Urgent but Important: Tasks that are vital for long-term success but don't have immediate deadlines.
Urgent but Not Important: Tasks that may appear time-sensitive but have minimal impact on your broader goals.
Neither Urgent nor Important: Tasks that may not have a direct or significant impact on achieving your primary objectives.

Aperçu du modèle de The Eisenhower To Do List

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