Top 10 Free Employee Database Templates in Notion

Maintaining an organized Employee Database is crucial for managing a company's workforce effectively. It helps in tracking employee information, performance, and development, ensuring that all details are easily accessible and up to date. An Employee Database template in Notion can streamline the process of creating and managing this database, providing a structured and customizable framework to suit your organization's needs.

Before you get started in creating your own Employee Database, you should check out these Employee Database Notion templates below to help make it easier.

1Org structure for group of companies

It helps to have it in one place clear org. structure of the group of companies. And see headcount in real time, grouped by departments and level of employees.

Aperçu du modèle de Org structure for group of companies

2Annuaire des employés

Répertoriez facilement tous vos employés dans cet annuaire. Enrichissez-le en ajoutant des biographies, des anecdotes et des photos.

Aperçu du modèle de Annuaire des employés

3Team Pulse

Team Pulse is tailor-made for team leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs who value meaningful connections and aim to create a thriving workplace culture. Whether you lead a startup, manage a medium-sized team, or work in a larger organization, this template adapts to fit your unique needs and fosters a productive and engaged team.

Aperçu du modèle de Team Pulse

4Coaching Accountability

Use this template hold yourself accountable when coaching others. Customize the scorecard items and week properties to extend the tracking timeline.

Aperçu du modèle de Coaching Accountability

5How to Build a Community

Why are you building this community? Who are you building this community for? How does this help your business now and in the future? This template helps you answer these and additional questions.

Aperçu du modèle de How to Build a Community

6Suivi du recrutement par Stytch

Le modèle de suivi du recrutement par Stytch sur Notion offre une approche ciblée de l’embauche pour les postes d’ingénieurs. Il intègre de manière transparente des questions d’entretien détaillées avec des guides d’entretien spécialisés et un suivi des rôles. Avec des sections consacrées à des sujets tels que la conception de système, la chasse aux bugs et la collaboration, il garantit une évaluation complète et rationalisée des talents techniques, ce qui permet de prendre des décisions d’embauche éclairées et cohérentes.

Aperçu du modèle de Suivi du recrutement par Stytch


Créez l’organigramme de votre organisation directement dans Notion grâce aux bases de données. Ajoutez autant de niveaux que vous le souhaitez et reliez-les aux équipes principales.

Aperçu du modèle de Organigramme

8Whimsical's team hub

Create a Teams directory in your Company Wiki! Each team can use this template to introduce their team details.

Everyone in your company should be able to find out who is on a team, the key things the team is focusing on and how to work with them.

Think of this as the welcome mat for your team’s source of truth — the relevant team information that the rest of your company should know about and have access to.

Aperçu du modèle de Whimsical's team hub

9Notion’s teams roster

Clear owners make for organized projects. We make sure our product and engineering teams roster is always up to date with this simple template. It also lets us connect different projects with the teams working on them.

This template is part of a larger — read more about how we use it in .

Aperçu du modèle de Notion’s teams roster

1030-60-90 Onboarding

Use this template to become the best seller in your org by mastering the product and personas you sell to while building strong relationships across departments within the team.

Aperçu du modèle de 30-60-90 Onboarding

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