Top 10 Versatile Notion Templates for Product Planning & Specification Documents

Product Requirements Documents (PRDs) are essential for outlining the features, functions, and specifications of a product.

While these templates may not be labeled explicitly as PRD templates, Notion's flexibility allows users to customize and combine these templates to effectively create and manage Product Requirements Documents or any documents related to product planning, development, and specifications within the platform.

Here are ten Notion templates that can be adapted or combined to serve PRD purposes:

1Agile Project Management

Agile project management was born in 2000, and has been powering and guiding engineering, product, and more teams ever since. Agile management focuses on splitting project into incremental iterations or sections. This template allows you to view projects, that are divided into smaller tasks, and that correspond to sprints that you can visualize beautifully in a sprint timeline. Embrace agile to increase productivity, start with this template.

Vista previa de plantilla para Agile Project Management

2Hoja de ruta de producto

Esta hoja de ruta de productos te permite planificar y realizar un seguimiento de los lanzamientos en cualquier plazo y con cualquier nivel de detalle. Visualiza los proyectos por trimestre, semestre o año. Haz que la colaboración entre departamentos sea más fluida que nunca con filtros y vistas para diferentes equipos. Obtén una vista de pájaro de lo que se está lanzando en una línea de tiempo, o sumérgete en las tareas fundamentales de cada proyecto.

Vista previa de plantilla para Hoja de ruta de producto

3Agile Business Hub: Unified Backlog Scrum

The Agile Business Hub is a specially crafted Scrum Notion Template that combines all areas of your business under one unified backlog. It simplifies project management, enhances cross-functional collaboration, and offers complete transparency across different departments. Aligning various parts of the business towards shared goals ensures everyone is working cohesively. Whether a small team or a larger organization, this tool offers a robust, adaptable solution for unified and agile business operations.

Vista previa de plantilla para Agile Business Hub: Unified Backlog Scrum

4User story board

This user story board template is a simple and useful tool for organizing your workload using the agile technique. With it, you can create user story cards that can be tagged and tracked, allowing you to easily stay on top of your progress and make sure everything is accounted for.

Vista previa de plantilla para User story board

5Solicitudes de funciones

Esta plantilla simplifica el proceso de gestión de las sugerencias internas de funciones. Te ofrece una cómoda base de datos donde los miembros del equipo pueden enviar problemas o propuestas de mejora. Dispone de varias vistas para clasificar por estado, tipo o solicitudes personales, lo que permite un seguimiento eficaz.

Vista previa de plantilla para Solicitudes de funciones

6Feature Requests by Tally Forms

By combining Tally and Notion you can save time and create effective workflows for your team. With this template you can capture feature requests from your users, manage them by creating projects, and automatically share your progress on your roadmap.

Vista previa de plantilla para Feature Requests by Tally Forms

7Documento de Requisitos del Producto (PRD)

Un documento de requisitos del producto (PRD) te ayuda a comprender cómo interactúan los usuarios con tu producto.
Proporciona un contexto clave para orientar a tus lectores, establece objetivos y KPI, indica las limitaciones a tener en cuenta al construir tu producto, escribe suposiciones sobre tu audiencia e identifica dependencias.
Utiliza la sección de tareas para hacer un seguimiento de todo el trabajo que hay que hacer para este proyecto, filtrar por estado, PM, y obtener una perspectiva general de todas las tareas relacionadas con tu producto.

Vista previa de plantilla para Documento de Requisitos del Producto (PRD)

8Product Requirement Document (PRD) for Project Manager/Product Owner

My product requirement document template for PM/PMO helps individuals, teams, and companies to streamline their product development process by providing a clear and structured framework for documenting product requirements. It ensures that all stakeholders are aligned on the product vision, features, and priorities, leading to better decision-making, improved collaboration, and ultimately, successful product outcomes. By using this template, PMs/PMOs can save time and effort in creating their product requirements document and focus on delivering value to their customers.

Vista previa de plantilla para Product Requirement Document (PRD) for Project Manager/Product Owner

9Meeting notes

Capture notes from all meetings in one accessible spot. Notes can be tagged by meeting type to make them easy to find. See when each meeting took place and who was there. That way, anyone can see what was discussed during meetings and get the full context.

Especially helpful for new employees who join and want to get a sense of how past decisions were made, the history of relationships, precedents for new projects, and more.

Vista previa de plantilla para Meeting notes

10My Resource Library

You stumbled across something intriguing & want to save it for digging up later?
This is the perfect place for it.

Whether it's a podcast to listen to on your commute, an article to read over lunch, or a movie to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon, this is your home for all the content that matters to you!

Vista previa de plantilla para My Resource Library

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