Best 10 Editorial Calendar Templates for Growth Hackers

For growth hackers, maintaining a well-organized and strategized editorial calendar is akin to nurturing a garden; it ensures that the content they produce is timely, relevant, and aligned with their growth objectives. An Editorial Calendar template on Notion simplifies this management, by providing a structured yet flexible framework to plan, execute, and track content across various platforms.

Before embarking on creating your own Editorial Calendar, explore the options below. These templates are designed to make content planning and execution straightforward, enabling you to concentrate on growth rather than organizational hassles.

What Should Editorial Calendar Templates Include?

Choosing the right editorial calendar template can streamline your content strategy and enhance productivity. Here are key components to look for in an effective template:

  1. Content Pipeline Visibility: The template should provide a clear overview of the stages of content creation, from ideation to publication.

  2. Integration Capabilities: Ensure the template can integrate with other tools used by your team, such as social media platforms and email marketing software.

  3. Flexible Timeframes: A good template will allow you to view your calendar by day, week, month, or even year, adapting to different planning needs.

  4. Collaboration Features: Look for templates that facilitate easy collaboration among team members, including comment sections and task assignments.

Selecting a template with these components will help you maintain a dynamic and efficient editorial workflow, keeping your team on track and your content impactful.

What Should Editorial Calendar Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right editorial calendar template is crucial for streamlining your content strategy effectively. However, certain features can complicate rather than simplify your planning process.

  1. Overly Complex Features: Avoid templates with excessive functionalities that are not essential for your content strategy. These can overwhelm users and detract from core tasks.

  2. Non-Customizable Layouts: Templates that do not allow adjustments to fit your specific needs can limit your ability to plan effectively. Flexibility in a template is key to adapting to evolving content strategies.

  3. Rigid Time Frames: Steer clear of templates that enforce strict deadlines without allowing for adjustments. Content creation can be dynamic, and inflexible schedules can hinder rather than help.

Remember, the best template is one that serves your specific needs without adding unnecessary complexity or restrictions to your content planning process.

1Content calendar

Planifica contenidos para múltiples campañas de marketing y asegúrate de que cada entrega se lance a tiempo. Además, escribe borradores de entradas de blog o guiones de vídeo en un mismo lugar. Visualiza los entregables en un calendario o cronograma, y luego fíltralos por estado, responsable y prioridad.

Vista previa de plantilla para Content calendar

2Calendario de contenido

Utiliza esta plantilla para programar y hacer un seguimiento de todos los contenidos que publiques, desde las entradas del blog hasta los podcasts y los tweets.

Vista previa de plantilla para Calendario de contenido

3Content Planner

Be it YouTube, Instagram, Blog or your own website, a smooth, easy-to-use and versatile content planner can make your life 10x easier. This planner makes working on multiple projects at once much more seamless.

Vista previa de plantilla para Content Planner

4Calendario editorial del blog

Utiliza esta plantilla para planificar y redactar todo tu contenido de marketing con una base de datos que te permita seguir el estado de cada proyecto, la audiencia, el autor, el revisor, la fecha de publicación y mucho más.

Vista previa de plantilla para Calendario editorial del blog

5Calendario editorial

El éxito de una estrategia de contenidos depende a menudo de una planificación y organización eficaces. Esta plantilla sirve como espacio para a escribir, elaborar estrategias y coordinar todas tus piezas de contenido. Te permite trazar metódicamente tu estrategia de contenidos, programar las fechas de publicación, asignar tareas a los miembros del equipo y supervisar el progreso de cada pieza de contenido en una única ubicación.
Las pestañas interactivas de la base de datos dan flexibilidad, permitiéndote crear y cambiar entre distintas vistas para una experiencia de planificación de contenidos a medida. Toma el control de tu proceso de producción de contenidos y pónselo más fácil a tu equipo con esta plantilla.

Vista previa de plantilla para Calendario editorial

6Notion's editorial calendar

Usually marketing teams have separate tools for planning and writing content. At Notion, we do all of that in one database. Using a calendar view, we can see our monthly publishing schedule and move pieces around to avoid traffic jams. That way, everyone in the company knows there's only one place to look for any editorial project.

Vista previa de plantilla para Notion's editorial calendar

7Content Engine: Youtube, Instagram, Newsletter - Manage all in one place

As freelancer or agency, you can use it easily organise ideas and plan them for all social media platforms, all in one place.

Vista previa de plantilla para Content Engine: Youtube, Instagram, Newsletter - Manage all in one place

8Content Planner

The Notion Content Planner is your go-to tool for optimizing content creation. Track progress with the Content Status Board, ensure consistency using the Posting Schedule, and plan ahead with the Upcoming Content Section. The dynamic Content Calendar/Timeline visualizes your schedule, while the Platforms Database and Tags/Categories Database streamline information for effective content management. A holistic solution, this template empowers content creators with efficiency and strategic planning.

Vista previa de plantilla para Content Planner

9Content Planner for Brand

Revolutionize your social media content planning with our dynamic Notion template. Tailored for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more, this versatile template accommodates diverse formats. Streamline your planning process, from brainstorming ideas to scheduling posts, ensuring consistent and engaging content across all platforms.

Vista previa de plantilla para Content Planner for Brand

10Blog Editorial

The Blog Editorial Template streamlines your content creation process, whether you're a solo blogger or part of a team. With a customizable editorial calendar and collaborative drafting spaces, it ensures seamless planning, execution, and tracking of your blog posts. You can customize the template to fit your workflow.

Vista previa de plantilla para Blog Editorial

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines your content planning process, ensuring consistent and timely posts that engage your audience. They help in maintaining a clear overview of your marketing strategies.

By adopting these tools, you can significantly boost your productivity and enhance your content's impact. Start implementing them today to see a noticeable difference in your growth metrics.

What is a Content Cadence?

Content cadence refers to the rhythm and schedule at which content is planned, created, and published in an editorial calendar to maintain consistency and engagement.

What is an Editorial Theme?

An editorial theme is a central topic or idea around which content is developed and organized within an editorial calendar, helping to maintain a cohesive narrative over a period.

What is a Publication Workflow?

A publication workflow is a sequence of processes and approvals that content must go through before it is published, as outlined in an editorial calendar.

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