Top 10 Paid Employee Welcome Kit Templates

An Employee Welcome Kit is essential for setting the tone for a new hire's journey within a company. It helps in making them feel valued and provides them with the necessary tools and information to start their new role effectively. A well-structured Employee Welcome Kit template in Notion can streamline the onboarding process, ensuring consistency and covering all critical aspects of welcoming a new team member.

Before you get started in creating your own Employee Welcome Kit, check out these Employee Welcome Kit Notion templates below to help make it easier.

What Should Employee Welcome Kit Templates Include?

Choosing the right Employee Welcome Kit template can significantly enhance the onboarding experience for new hires. Here are key components to look for in a high-quality template:

  1. Comprehensive Onboarding Checklist: This should cover all necessary steps from day one to the successful integration of the employee into the team.

  2. Resource Links: A section dedicated to links for company policies, training materials, and other essential documents that a new employee might need immediate access to.

  3. Contact Information: It's important to include a list of contacts such as HR, direct supervisors, and team members to help new hires feel connected and supported.

  4. Interactive Elements: Features like embedded forms for feedback or interactive orientation schedules can make the onboarding process more engaging and informative.

Selecting a template that is not only informative but also engaging can make a significant difference in the initial experiences of new employees.

What Should Employee Welcome Kit Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right Employee Welcome Kit template in Notion is as much about what it doesn't include as what it does. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Instructions: Templates should be intuitive and user-friendly. Avoid those that require extensive training or explanation, as they can overwhelm new hires.

  2. Generic Content: Avoid templates that are too generic and don't allow customization. Each company has its own culture and values that should be reflected in its welcome kit.

  3. Irrelevant Information: Ensure the template doesn't include unnecessary information that isn't applicable to new employees. This can dilute the importance of essential details.

Remember, the best templates are those that provide a smooth and informative onboarding experience without causing confusion or information overload.

1Discovery report

📦 What's included?

A simple, generic and duplicable page with pre-filled topics and identical questions for each topic. There are also an introduction to the report and resources to help understand the mindset behind the tools.

🤔 For whom ?

Freshly new employees, managers, companies, HR team…

🧐 What is a discovery report ?

A discovery report is a strategic HR management tool that newcomers complete during their first month in a new context (company, team…).

Long story short, it’s a tool that will help the collaborators and the company because a fresh pair of eyes will take the time to analyze and give feedback on a lot of subjects.

The template here is quit generic so you should try to adapt it to your context, let’s say you’re working in a IT team: you should then try and list topics that make the day-to-day of any engineer.

It was made to allow your collaborators or yourself to write down your thoughts during this oh-so important period that is your onboarding. ”Onboarding” is too broad a word, you can actually use this template whenever your become a newcomer. Here are a few examples, a member of your team or yourself can be:

newly hired in a company,

changing team within the same company,

choosing a new career in your current company and now have a new context, new team mates, a new hierarchy…

You get it, this template is made to help in the process of writing first impressions on many topics.

🤑 What is the value of a report ?

To a newcomer 👶

It’s a chance to have their opinion heard, an opportunity to have a critical look at existing processes/habits and to level their expectations.

To a manager 💼

The hiring process generally does not give you a clear understanding of the person that stands in front of you. Listening to the report of someone can help you better grasp their priorities, their strengths and even areas of improvements.

Apart from that, it will help you create a bond with this person, his or her voice has been heard, which is always positive.

Once the report has been presented to you, you can also encourage its author to present it to your team, it probably can be tweaked a bit in case of there being a bit of finger pointing, but generally speaking, allowing your new managees to express his or her opinion to your team could drive your entire team to have an epiphany and even overcome bottlenecks

To a company 🏢

It’s a beautiful continuous improvement tool. Collaborators tend to get used to their working environment and will have a hard time taking a step back sometime. Since they have been doing it for a long time, they can no longer objectively assess processes and sometimes situations even.

Hiring a new employee is a great opportunity to collect new and fresh impressions. This allow the company to highlight its strength and to reveal what is in need of an improvement.

🙋‍♀️ What are the topics ?

Topics are very generic:

the company,

the onboarding,

the department,

the team,

your job,

and your manager.

But feel free to add anything that make sense. At the end of the page a button is here to create new topics.

🙋‍♂️ What are the questions ?

Those are the same for each topic and keep in mind that you can add or remove topics depending on your context:

😀 What fits your expectations perfectly

🤩 What surprised you in a good way or exceeded your expectations

😔 What you were disappointed about or didn’t reach your expectations

😵‍💫 What you were confused about

🤓 Your suggestions

A template preview for Discovery report

2Employee Onboarding OS

This Notion kit is for managers who want to gain time and build an efficient team.
🌟 You found a rising star to join your team? 🌟

Get ready for their first day in your team with the Employee Onboarding template. Set their objectives, give them confidence, and follow-up progress week by week, month by month.

-> Use the 30-60-90 methods to set clear objectives and key results

-> The connected databases & custom views provide clarity and ensure understanding

-> The collection of templates makes knowledge transfer quick and impactful

You can also adapt the kit if you have just started a new job and want to organise what is most important and nail your new mission in only a few weeks 💪🏼

What you will find inside the Employee Onboarding Kit:

4 databases:

-> Objectives based on the 30-60-90 plan with visual progress bars

-> Key Results linked to the objectives database with status and progress

-> Tools checklist

-> Manager 1-to-1 template for weekly meetings

8 pages with templates:

-> Portal page to share with your employee

-> Team presentation

-> Mission page

-> Tools page with checklist

-> Getting around the office

-> Manager 1-to-1area

-> Key colleagues by team

-> First month impression report with template

ℹ️ I linked the key results and objectives databases based on the KRs status, not on a quantitative value. I found with time that during onboarding qualitative resutls are more impactful than quantitve measures. Depending on the progress (Not started / To do next / In progress / Done), each KR gets an estimated % completion, which then calculates the overall objective completion. The completion transfers from the KR database to the objective database so your and your new team member can see with a glance how they are progressing in their new job.

How I built the Onboarding kit

I built this kit based on my experience with new hires. Each employee I hired and got in my team loved having all useful information in one place.

With time, I noticed that the new joiners in my team got on board quickly and managed to navigate in the company after a couple of weeks.

This kit asumes that you already shared basic company information about the strategy, org structure etc. You can add the links to the most important documents on the top of the dashboard.

How to use the Notion kit with templates?

This is a Notion template. Get Notion (this template works on both Free and Premium accounts).*

Duplicate the template to your Notion space.

Start by filling in the templates with general information on the top of the dashboard, inside each page.

Then modify the objectives by changing the names or adding new ones. Or keep them as they are, it's a tested method :)

Third, modify the key results with what you expect your new hire to achieve in the coming weeks.

Share the page with your new hire and check their onboarding progress every week and help them be successful in their new job.

A template preview for Employee Onboarding OS

3Human Resource Hub

Unlock the full potential of your HR department with our cutting-edge Human Resource Hub Notion Template


Automated Hiring System - Say goodbye to manual recruitment processes and embrace the power of automation!

Onboarding: Simplify the onboarding process for new hires and ensure a seamless transition into your company culture.

KPI Tracking: Easily monitor and analyze key performance indicators to optimize productivity and drive business success.

Task Management: Stay organized and increase efficiency with a user-friendly task management system that keeps everyone on track.

Org Chart Visualization: Visualize your company's hierarchy and gain better insights into your workforce structure for effective decision-making.

Office Manual: Create a centralized hub for all your essential policies, procedures, and guidelines, fostering consistency and clarity across the organization.

A template preview for Human Resource Hub

4New Hire Checklist

🌟 Navigate Your Onboarding Journey with Our Checklist! 🚀🌈

Our Smooth Onboarding Checklist is your reliable companion for a successful start to your new role. Follow the categories and lists provided to ensure a seamless onboarding experience. Wishing you a journey filled with learning, growth, and success! 🌟🚀

A template preview for New Hire Checklist

5Hiring OS

Say goodbye to hefty recurring fees and hello to a lightweight, feature-packed solution built on the power of Notion. 🎯

Are you a startup founder or hiring manager looking to streamline your recruitment process and bring the best talent on board? Look no further! Our Notion Hiring Template is here to revolutionize how you hire while saving you time and effort.

This template has been battle tested, developed over 2 years of hiring with Notion, across over 1000 applications in our startup.

A template preview for Hiring OS

6Employee Onboarding System

The Employee Onboarding System Template is designed to streamline this process, making it easier for HR managers and team leaders to keep track of each new hire's journey. With a comprehensive dashboard, detailed pages for company information, resources management, and customizable onboarding schedules, this template is an essential tool for any organization looking to enhance their onboarding experience.

Template Features
- Comprehensive Dashboard: Get an overview of new hires, including their start dates, positions, managers, and onboarding stages, all in one place.
- Detailed Company Pages: Share your company's story, values, and processes through the Our People & Our Process pages, ensuring new employees feel connected and informed.
- Resource Management: Easily manage welcome packs, digital access, and training schedules with the Our Resources pages, making sure every new hire has what they need from day one.
- Customizable Onboarding Schedules: Duplicate the My Onboarding Page for each new hire to create a personalized onboarding schedule, ensuring a unique and engaging experience for every team member.

A template preview for Employee Onboarding System

7Hiring OS

This template replaces Workable, Lever, and all very expensive applicant tracking systems. A simple setup with no learning curve or training needed. Give back time to your HR team with this candidate portal.

A template preview for Hiring OS

8New Hire Onboarding Template

Employee onboarding is the first step in employee engagement and a company’s retention strategy, and it is also one of the most important steps in ensuring that a new hire will stay with your company long-term.

A template preview for New Hire Onboarding Template

9HR Onboarding Roadmap

🌟 Navigate HR Onboarding with Our Roadmap! 🚀🌈

Our Seamless Integration Roadmap is your reliable guide for a successful onboarding process. Follow the weekly tasks provided to ensure a seamless integration of new hires. Wishing you and your team a month filled with successful onboarding, growth, and achievement! 🌟🚀

A template preview for HR Onboarding Roadmap

10TeamOS: Team, Meetings and Hiring

Manage your team and schedule meetings with TeamOS. Tag meeting notes and follow-up actions to meetings and have them pop on on the calendar and 2W board view. Post jobs and tag ideal candidates, and seamlessly onboard new hires with a database of onboarding templates.

A template preview for TeamOS: Team, Meetings and Hiring

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines the onboarding process, ensuring new hires feel valued and informed from day one. This initial impression can significantly boost employee retention and satisfaction.

By adopting these ready-made kits, you save time and resources, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic tasks. Don't hesitate to implement these tools to enhance your onboarding experience.

What is Onboarding Schedule?

An onboarding schedule is a structured timeline that outlines the key activities and training sessions for new employees during their initial days and weeks at a company.

What is Culture Book?

A culture book is a document included in some employee welcome kits that describes the company's values, mission, and traditions to help integrate new hires into the company culture.

What is Role-Specific Toolkit?

A role-specific toolkit is a set of resources and tools tailored to the specific position of the new employee, designed to assist them in performing their job effectively from day one.

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