<aside> 👋 This template is designed to help you plan your lessons while home schooling.

It starts at a high level view, where you can plan what to cover in each week, in each quarter. Then you can start to plan activities to cover in the weekly schedule. Finally you'll be able to schedule those activities in the daily planner.

Each table in the database is its own page. Click the open button to view the page and make notes about the plan for the week or activity activity.

Themes - Your lessons for each week will be orientated around this theme.

Focuses - These are areas that your student(s) struggled with recently. You can choose activities that incorporate developing this area, along with learning about a particular topic.

Topics - These are subjects that make up your curriculum.

I've explained what to enter in each table in the text in italics above the table. Wherever you see a 🚩 next to an step, this indicates that you're spending time duplicating information. You could avoid this by using the Advanced Home Schooling Planner instead, once you've learned how Relations & Rollups work.

Feel free to add a comment if you have any questions or feedback about using this template 😄



Weekly Schedule

Daily Schedule

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aNotioneer is creating templates and guides for the Notion community 🖤